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When we pulled up to the hospital, I didn't wait for Peter to park. I just jumped out of the car and sprinted for the door.

I heard Peter yell, "Hey! Wait up!" I ignored him and just kept running. I slowed when I reached the door. With shaking hands, I pushed the doors open. Mike's doctor was standing there as if he expected me to come tonight. He smiled.

"Mike is right over there," he pointed to a chair in the waiting room. Mike saw me and stood up. I smiled and ran to him. I kissed him for the longest time. He pulled away.

"Let's do this later," he said with a wink. He took my hand and we walked out just as Peter had made it to the door.

"Aw man. Right as I get here too!" Peter whined and then fell into step next to me.

"I'm so glad to be going home," Mike said, beaming.

"I'm glad you're coming home too baby," I said, smiling up at him. We reached the car and Peter got in the driver's seat. Mike and I climbed in the back.

"Aren't you gonna sit with me?" Peter asked, on the brink of tears.

"No. I'm sorry but I want to be by Mike for now," I said, smiling sweetly at him. He gave me a toothy grin and turned around. As soon as he was facing forward, I kissed Mike. Over and over until we got back to the hotel. Peter turned off the car and Mike and I got out and walked hand in hand to the hotel room. We opened the door and Valleri squealed with delight.

"Daddy! You're home! I missed you!" she said as she ran to him. He picked her up and spun her around.

"I missed you too, Sunshine," he said, smiling at her.

"Hey there, Mike," Micky said awkwardly.

"Hey there buddy," Mike said.

"Ello, Mike," Davy said.

"Hey Davy. I missed you all," he said, looking at me. "Especially Jenny and you," he said, tapping Valleri's nose. She giggled.

"Well, Mike, you should get some rest," I suggested. He gratefully obeyed my request and went over to the bed. I tucked him in as if he was a little kid and I kissed his forehead.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," he murmured back. He was asleep within minutes.

"Your daddy was tired. You can play with him later," I said to Valleri.

"Okay mommy," she said, playing with her little doll.

I need some sleep too, I thought. I crawled into bed with Mike and I fell asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow.


Hey guys! Sorry for this awful, short chapter. It was pretty rushed. Sorry for not updating in a long time. Well, thanks for reading! TheMonkeesForLife ✌

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