CHAPTER TWO: Mike's Confession

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Jenny's POV

"Pete?" I asked.

"Yea, babe?" he answered, looking up from the coloring page he was working on.

"Don't you think Alannah looks a little like me?" I asked, thinking back to here shoulder length curly brown hair and button nose.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "Do you mean the extremely beautiful part?'

"Oh, you!" I said, walking over to him and pulling him out of his chair. I looked up at him then he leaned down to kiss me. He got a little rough and pushed me up against the wall. I draped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his light brown hair. We kissed for what seemed like days then Mike walked in.

"Peter?" he asked, not looking up from the piece of paper in his hands. Either Peter didn't hear him or he ignored him. Either way, we were still making out against the wall when Mike asked again, "Peter?" finally looking up from the piece of paper. His eyes got wide. "Oh man! I'm so sorry!" Peter pulled away and looked at Mike. I smirked. Mike got an intense look of jealousy in his eyes.

"It's alright," Peter said. "What'cha need?"

"Well, I saw this flyer hanging on our door," Mike said. "It's for a series of gigs at a hotel and we get a free room and 150 bucks a gig."

"That's amazing! Call them!" Peter exclaimed.

"Alright, but you and Jenny will have to contain yourselves because we all have to share a room," Mike said, guessing we would do....that... in the hotel room.

"Don't worry," Peter said, "We don't want Micky seeing anyways."

"Hey, Mike?" I asked.

"Yea, Jenny?" Mike answered, looking at me hopefully.

"Can we talk for a minute?" I asked then looked at Peter. He took the hint and headed for the door. Then I heard big, clompy footsteps going downstairs then Peter said, "Fe! Fi! Fo! Fum! Micky stop playing on that set of drums!"

That's my boy, I thought.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Mike asked, coming to sit by me on the bed.

"Well, I was wondering if you noticed any similarities between me and Alannah," I said

"What do you mean?" Mike asked.

"Well, we have the same hairstyle and we have a similar bone structure in our faces," I said, pointing to my nose.

Mike's POV

Oh no! I thought. She's figuring it out!

"Um, well I have noticed some minor similarities but nothing major," I said, counting on her to call my bluff.

"Oh, come on, Mike. I was married to you. I can tell when you're lying," she said, smirking.

"Fine. I know she looks like you," I said glumly. "I couldn't stay away from her because of that."

"We had our chance at love and it didn't work and I'm not about to cheat on Peter for you! I learned my lesson the last time!" she said, her voice raising in anger.

"You know that's not what I was asking," I said, even though that was what I was asking.

"Well, I have Peter now and you have Alannah," she said, standing up to go open the door. I grabbed her hand.

"I know I have Alannah, but it's not real. It was only because she looked like you, especially the beautiful part," I said, being as honest with her as ever.

"Well, I'm sorry but I can't be with you," she said, taking her hand away and walking to the door.

"Breaking up with you was the worst thing I've ever done," I said quietly. She turned around and her eyes softened.

"I know. Me too..." she said, then opened the door.

"Peter, you can come back up now!" she said, giving me one last look. Peter came flying up the stairs. They came back into the room and started making out again. I left feeling let down, betrayed, and unwanted.

Their New Life (Sequel to Jenny's Choice)Where stories live. Discover now