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Mike's POV

"Please never let go," Jenny said very quietly.

"I won't," I said sleepily. "Goodnight baby." Whether she fell asleep before or after me, I wouldn't know because she was silent until I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Jenny wasn't there and I sat up frantically. Then I felt hands on my shoulders.

"It's alright, baby. I'm right here," Jenny said, leaning around to kiss me.

"We sure do have a habit of losing each other," I said with a chuckle.

"Yep," she giggled. "But we always find each other."

"We should get back to the pad," I said.

"I don't wanna!" Jenny whined. "I just want to sit here for a while." She plopped down on the blanket next to me, drew her knees to her chest, and stared out at the ocean. I almost didn't realize when Peter walked up to us.

"What do you want?" Jenny hissed, her voice full of venom. Peter put up his hand in innocence.

"I promise I didn't come here to hurt you again," he said then sighed. "I'm so tired of hurting people." Jenny's face softened.

"What is it, Pete?" I asked, standing and wiping sand off of my pants.

"I've just ruined everything!" Peter wailed and clung to me like he was falling. I put my arms around him, not too tightly as I didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

"No no, Peter," I said, "You've just been confused like the rest of us." All of a sudden, Peter let go of me and ran towards the pier.

"Peter!" I yelped as I ran after him. The pier was a short distance away and Peter could run. FAST. When I finally reached the pier, I was sputtering and gasping for air. I doubled over trying to catch my breath.

When I stood back up, Peter was standing on the edge of the pier, looking as if he was about to jump.

"Peter..." I said, my voice raspy because I was unable to restore my breath. He looked at me with wet eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Mike," Peter said, giving me one last sullen look before he jumped.

"No!" I swallowed my tears and ran off the edge of the pier. I caught up with Peter before he hit the water's surface. I grabbed him, put both my arms around him, and flipped so my back would hit first.

When we hit the water, my back stung in pain. We hit the bottom of the shallow water. HARD. I hit my head and released Peter. The last thing I remember is floating to the surface and seeing Jenny's face, terror and concerned plastered in every direction from her ears to her chin.

"I love you," I tried to whisper but my lips wouldn't work. Then my vision went black.


DUN DUN DUH!!!! What will happen to Mike? I thought it was time for a plot twist. XD Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I will try and update again soon. Thanks for reading!! =] Peace and love, TheMonkeesForLife

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