CHAPTER TWELVE: The Vincent Van Gogh Gogh

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I stayed there, standing at the door for awhile, watching Valleri try and play Mike's guitar.

I finally entered the room and shut the door behind me.

"Is Peter here?" I whispered to Mike. He shook his head.

"Nah. Him, Micky, and Davy went to get food," Mike said. I walked quickly over to him and watched him position Valleri's fingers so she could play and chord and he had her strum.

"Yay! I'm playing it! I'm playing it!" she squealed with delight.

"Good job princess! Now why don't you go wash your hands so we can get you some food," Mike said. Valleri jumped up and ran to the bathroom. "Now, come here," Mike told me. I walked over, right into Mike's open arms.

"What'd Peter say?" he asked, gently stroking my hair.

"He said I have to choose. And that I'm a whore," I said, nearly in tears.

"Oh. Baby, you're not a whore. You're not okay?" he said.

"Okay," I said, not wanting to add in the little detail about Davy. Valleri came out of the bathroom and Mike let go of me.

"Okay sunshine. Let's get you some food," Mike said, taking her by the hand and leading her out of the room. That left me alone.

I laid down on the mattress and closed my eyes. I started to think about all the memories I've had with Mike and Peter. Good ones. Bad ones. Romantic ones. Not so romantic ones. Oh god, how I loved them both. I wish this wasn't so hard.

I was lying there, almost asleep, when I heard the door open. I heard Micky, Davy, and Peter's voices. I opened my eyes. When Peter saw me, he got this look of unmitigated hatred and anger.

"I think I left something back at the food room," Peter said and walked back out into the hallway and slamming the door.

I started to bawl. Micky came and sat next to me.

"Hey, it's alright. Everything will be fine," he said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Yea. I guess," I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. Mike and Valleri came back in then.

"Well who's this little cutie?" Davy asked.

"I'm Valleri," she said, giggling, just like she had with Mike.

"Do you want to go swimming?" Micky asked everyone.

"Yes!" Valleri said.

"Me too!" Davy yelled.

"I think I'll pass," I said.

"Yea. Me too," Mike said. Davy and Micky went to get changed into their swimsuits while Valleri just waited, as she didn't have a swimsuit.

When Micky and Davy came back out, they each took one of Valleri's hands and swung her back and forth as I watched them walk down the hallway. They all looked so happy.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Mike.

"I don't know. There isn't much to do around here is there," he said with a shrug.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I suggested.

"Sure," Mike said. He took my hand and we walked down the hall and out the front doors.

"I'm assuming you know where you're going," I said, looking up at the sky.

"Yea. I do. Where do you wanna go?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. What's around here?" I asked.

"Well, there's a movie store, a restaurant called the Vincent Van Gogh Gogh, a strip mall and a few thrift stores," Mike said.

"Why don't we go to the Vincent Van Gogh Gogh," I said.

"Why, Jenny, are you asking me on a date?" Mike said, placing his hand on his chest.

"And if I am?" I asked, raising my eyebrow playfully.

"Then I'd say yes," Mike said, winking at me.

God, I love his winks, I thought.

"Then it's a date," I said, kissing his cheek. He snaked his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his shoulder. We walked to the restaurant in about ten minutes.

When we arrived, we got a table right away and Mike pulled my chair out for me.

"What a gentleman!" I said. Mike's faced turned bright red. I picked up my menu and looked it over.

"Hmmm. What to order, what to order," I mumbled quietly to myself.

"I suggest the Brown Sugar Maple Chicken. It is very good," Mike said.

"Well then, I guess that's what I'll try," I said, smiling at him. The waiter came over.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked.

"Raspberry Iced Tea, please," I said.

"Diet Coke, please," Mike said.

"They'll be right out," the waiter said then left.

"So? Who are you gonna chose?" Mike asked.

"I really don't know," I said.

"Well, whoever you choose, I won't be upset if you pick Peter," Mike said.

"I think the only person that will be upset if I choose Peter, is him," I said.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked.

"Well, he thinks I'm a whore," I said. "And he probably thinks I'll like cheat on him again or something," I said just as the waiter came back with the drinks.

"And what would you like to eat?" he asked, pulling out his little pad and pen.

"I would like the Brown Sugar Maple Chicken," I said.

"I'll have the same," Mike said. I smiled.

"Okay. That will be ready shortly," he said then disappeared

"Well, he's wrong. You're not a whore," Mike said, sipping his drink. " Just let it be, Jenny. Let it be."

"I love you," I said, tearing up again for no apparent reason.

"I love you too," Mike said. Some time passed while we sat silently. I was thinking so I didn't notice when the food came. Mike shook my arm and I was brought back to reality.

"This looks really good!" I said, staring down at my food, trying not to drool.

"I told you!" Mike said.

"Oh hush and eat," I said, while delicately slicing my chicken. I took a bite and a flood of flavors was released in my mouth. It was sweet and very delicious. The meal came with two chicken breasts so I saved one to take back to the hotel.

When the check came, Mike and I reached for it at the same time.

"Oh, I insist," I said.

"No. It's my pleasure," Mike said, snatching up the check.

"Fine," I said, huffing like a little girl. When Mike finished, he got up and came to pull my chair out. I stood up and linked arms with him and we walked back to the hotel.

Right outside the front door, we stopped and looked at each other. Mike leaned down to kiss me. He tasted like the chicken. I savored the kiss and then pulled away. Mike took my hand then we walked back to the hotel room.

Their New Life (Sequel to Jenny's Choice)Where stories live. Discover now