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We only got to swim for about fifteen minutes because then Micky came in and said he'd finished making the sandwiches and that he was ready to go. Since we were picnicking on the beach, I decided to stay in my swimsuit. Valleri grabbed my hand as we made our way down to the beach.


"Yea sweetie?"

"Why does Uncle Peter look so sad?" I looked over at Peter. He was looking a bit melancholy.

"I dunno baby."

"Can I go cheer him up?" I smiled.

"I think he'd like that very much." She let go of my hand and ran over to Peter. A smile appeared on his face as be picked her up and twirled her around. Mike came up to my side and took my hand.

"Hey baby." I giggled.

"Hi Mike. How are you feeling today?"

"Never been better. How are you feeling?" I was taken aback. No one in my life had ever asked me how I was doing before.

"I'm okay. Thank you for asking. It means a lot."

"No problem." He kissed my cheek. "Only the best for my love." I felt the heat of a blush blooming on my cheeks. We had reached the water line by then. Micky flung out the blanket were all gonna sit on and pulled out the sandwiches he had made.

"Turkey and cheese is okay for everyone right?"

"Yea." We all stated in unison. Micky passed out the sandwiches and everyone dug in right away. Peter finished his first.

"Mmm. Micky that was a tasty sandwich." I started to giggle as Peter had managed to get mayonnaise on his nose. "What? What's so funny?"The rest of the boys noticed too and started laugh. "Guys. C'mon. Seriously? What's so funny?" I managed to stop laughing for long enough to tell him he'd gotten mayonnaise on his nose. He frowned as he wiped it off. I pouted.

"C'mon Peter. It was just a little fun. Don't be a downer." Peter grumbled something I couldn't hear and then headed back in the direction of the hotel. I had to run to catch up to him.
"What's the matter Peter?"

"Oh nothing. Everything's just peachy." He sassed.

"Obviously not."

"Just the laughingstock again as usual."

"Oh Peter. It wasn't like that. I just thought it was cute."

"Then why'd you laugh?"

"Because it was adorable. You know how people laugh at a baby when they get cake all over their face or whatever?"

"Yea. So?"

"That's what I did with you. I laughed because you're adorable not because it was dumb or funny even."

"Oh. I'm sorry." He gave me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek then ran back to the rest of the guys. I sighed and plopped down in the sand where I stood.

I was buried in my thoughts when someone came to sit next to me. It was Mike.

"Hey baby." I gave him a quick kiss.

"What's wrong?" I gave him a look.

"Nothing. Why would you think that?"

"Oh I dunno maybe the fact that you're sitting up here rather than down there, splashing around in the water." I sighed.

"I've just got a lot on my mind. I'm a little stressed."

"Well, turn around. I'll give you a back massage." I did as I was told and faced away from Mike. He firmly placed his hands on my shoulders and began to massage. I let out a small moan.

"Thank you Mike. I feel better already."

"No problem. I'm glad you're feeling better." We sat in the sand of the beach while he gave me a back massage for quite awhile. It seemed like the perfect day.

Their New Life (Sequel to Jenny's Choice)Where stories live. Discover now