CHAPTER FOUR: (Look Out) Here Comes Tomorrow

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Jenny's POV

I walked along the beach, trying to clear my mind. It didn't seem to be working too well though. I was still having trouble finding the difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. After a little while, Davy came out.

"Oh, 'ello love!" He said, when he saw me. "What are ya doing out 'ere?"

"Oh, I needed to think," I responded, trying not to look at him because he was in his really short swim shorts. "Can you put your jacket on?"

"Oh, sure!" He said, putting his jacket on. "What's a matter?"

"Well, Mike still has feelings for me and I still have feelings for him and Peter and I don't know what to do!" I said, almost in tears.

"Remember the lyrics to Look Out Here Comes Tomorrow? Look out, here comes tomorrow. That's when I'll have to choose. How I wish I could borrow someone else's shoes. Mary, oh what a sweet girl. Lips like strawberry pie. Sandra, long hair and pigtails. Can't make up my mind! I see all kinds of sorrow! Wish I only loved one! That's the type of situation you're in now." He said. Suddenly, not being able to contain myself anymore, I burst into tears.

"Oh, it's ok, love! Don't cry!" He said, pulling me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder for awhile.

"I'm sorry about your jacket," I said, lifting my head off his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Small price to pay," he said.

"Thanks, Davy. You're an amazing friend," I said, giving him a hug.

"No problem. I like making people feel better," he said with a smile. "Now let's sort things out with you.

"Ok. Where should we start?" I asked, thinking of all the things Peter and Mike have said to me.

"Well, what have they said to you to make you love them?" Davy asked.

"Um, Mike once said, 'How did I get the sweetest girl on the planet to be my girlfriend?'" I said, thinking back to that moment on the couch.

"Ok, and Peter?" Davy then asked.

"Oh, there's so many things! Everyday he never fails to say he loves me in one way or another," I said, thinking about how amazing Peter was.

"Ok. Don't you think that's a sign?" Davy asked, looking at me.

"Yea, what else?" I asked.

"Well, not to be shallow, but how do they fair looks wise?" Davy asked.

"Oh. Mike's eyes are so beautiful! His hair is so great! His personality could make a girl melt! His body! Oh his body! So lean and strong!" I said, letting everything flow that I'd been bottling up inside me.

"Ok. Now Peter?" Davy said.

"Same," I said dreamily.

"Oh boy. I think this is gonna be tough," Davy said." Pretty soon, you'll have Micky wanting to be with you!" He said in a joking tone.

"NOT FUNNY," I said, looking at him seriously.

"Ok, ok! I'm sorry," he said, looking a bit scared.

"I'm sorry. I just don't need Micky or anybody else in my life right now. It's already too complicated with with Peter and Mike," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I know. Let's figure this out," he said, looking at me with concern.

"I don't want to break either of their hearts," I said, thinking of what could happen.

"I think it's too late for that," Davy said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, curiously.

"Well, I see Mike after he sees you and Peter together, he gets this sad, heartbroken look in his eyes," Davy said.

"Really?" I asked, completely oblivious about what Mike does.

"Yea. You can't tell me you haven't noticed!" Davy said, looking up at the house.

"No, actually, I have-" I started to say but then Davy interrupted me.

"Looks like we've got company," he said, pointing down the beach. I could make out the figure of Mike's body. He walked up to us and started yelling.

"Now you're with Davy! When are you gonna stop!" He yelled angrily.

"No, actually we were talking about you," Davy said calmly.

"R-Really?" Mike stammered, looking at me. I nodded.

"What were you guys saying?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She was telling me how beautiful you hair and eyes are and how your personality could make a girl melt. Oh yea and she said your body is lean and strong," Davy said, smirking then pushed Mike toward me.

"Is that true?" Mike asked, looking at me in disbelief. I nodded again. The heat started to creep up my cheeks. He came and sat next to me on the sand. He turned my face to look at him then he cupped my face with his hands and then kissed me.

"I'm going to go now. My work here is done," Davy said, smiling then. getting up and walking toward the house.

Their New Life (Sequel to Jenny's Choice)Where stories live. Discover now