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Peter's POV

Mike grabbed me and flipped us so he would hit the water first. When we hit, he released me and I closed my eyes. I felt myself float to the surface and I opened my eyes, searching frantically for Mike. Then I heard a scream.

"No!" It was held out for quite a long time. I looked over at the pier and saw Jenny screaming and pointing at the water. I swam over as fast as I could to find Mike, floating on the surface with his eyes closed and blood seeping from the back of his head. I picked him up in my arms and carried him to shore. I took off my shirt and held it to the back of his head to stop the bleeding.

"Jenny, go call for help. NOW!" I commanded her. She ran up the beach and to the hotel.

There I sat and let my body go limp. I crumpled over and sobbed, cradling him in my arms.

"Mike, at this point, I don't care how gay this is. I never meant for this to happen to you. I'm so sorry and I love you so much," I said, crying harder and harder with every word I said.

I sat there in silence for what seemed like days and then two paramedics showed up with a gurney and Jenny trailing closely behind. They took Mike from me and put him on it and ran as fast as they could up to the truck that was parked in the nearest parking lot. Jenny stood staring after them. I laid my hand on her arm and she pulled it away right on contact.

"HOW CAN YOU EVEN TOUCH ME? THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT," she screamed before breaking into tears and running down the beach.

"I was just trying to comfort you!" I called after her, knowing she wouldn't care. I walked slowly back to the hotel where very sad Micky and Davy sat with a little girl I'd never seen before. Jenny sat in the bathroom, crying. The telephone rang and startled everyone. I sprinted to the phone and picked up the receiver.

"Yes, hello?" I said with a sudden urgency.

"Yes. Is this Peter Tork?" a man asked from the other side of the telephone.

"Yes, yes this is. What is it?" I asked, impatiently.

"Well, you can now come visit Mike. I will fill you in on the details when you get here," the man said and clicked his end of the receiver down. I clicked mine back into place as well.

"Guys, we need to go visit Mike. NOW." I said.

"But what about Valleri?" Micky asked.

"Bring her with," I said, getting the keys to the Monkeemobile and opening the door. I ushered everyone out and then ran to the car. They all piled inside and we sped towards the hospital.

Once we arrived, we found Mike's room and Micky, Davy, Valleri, and Jenny went in while I spoke with the doctor.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

"Yes. He'll be fine but he lost a lot of blood. He's in a medically-induced coma right now and should be for awhile until we replenish his blood," the doctor said.

"How long do you think that'll be?" I asked, wringing my hands behind my back.

"Anywhere from 1-3 weeks," he said, giving me a gentle look of sympathy.

"Oh. Well, thanks for everything doc," I said, opening the door to Mike's room. It was awful to see him hooked up to all those machines.

"Oh," I said when I entered. "This is because of me..."

"My daddy's hurt!" Valleri yelled.

"Shhh, baby girl," Jenny said. "He'll be fine."

"Guys?" I said softly.

"Yea Pete?" everyone but Valleri said.

"Can I have a minute?" I asked.

"Of course, man," Micky said and had everyone leave the room. I crossed the room to the chair next to the bed. I placed my hand on top of Mike's.

"Mike, I know you probably can't hear me, but I'm so sorry. If I hadn't been selfish and wanted to end my own life, you wouldn't have even ended up here," I said.

I could almost hear him say, "Aw, Pete. This isn't your fault. I jumped remember?"

"Yea, I know. But you jumped to save ME," I answered to the voice that wasn't there that should have been.

The doctor poked his head in the door and said, "Visiting hours are up in about 5 minutes so I hate to do this but you're going to have to leave."

"Okay. Thanks again for all your help," I said, holding out my hand so he could shake it.

"Your friends are already at your car," he said, giving me a gentle smile.
I walked towards the front doors, brushing away the occasional tear that slipped out of the barricade I had built up.


Hey guys! I know this was a bit intense but I think it needed to be done. I hope I didn't shake you up too much. "_" Thanks for reading! =] TheMonkeesForLife

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