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Peter still hadn't come back out after about a half an hour and I was starting to worry.

"Mike?" I asked. "Do you think Peter's okay?" He looked at me a little confused.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't he be?"

"Well, he hasn't come back out yet and it's been almost forty five minutes."

"Would you like me to go check on him?" He asked gently.

"That would be great. Thank you so much babe," I told him, giving him a kiss right before he stood up and jogged toward the pad.

Davy, Micky, and Valleri had come back to the beach when I heard a wail from the pad. Panicked, I ran back to the house to see Mike with his hand to his eyes and Peter looking at him in terror.

I rushed over to Mike.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked, gently pulling his hand away from his face. His eyes was beginning to swell.

"Peter... Peter punched me..." Mike told me. I looked over at Peter.

"Did you really punch him?" I asked as calmly as I could muster. He gave me the slightest of nods. I looked over at the door where Micky, Davy, and Valleri were standing.

"Micky, get him a bag of ice. Davy, help him to the couch. Valleri, why don't you go up to Mommy's room and play with your dolls?" I ordered.

"Okay mommy!" She replied and scuttled upstairs. As soon as I heard the door close above me, I slowly turned to Peter.

"HOW COULD YOU PUNCH HIM? HE HAS A CONCUSSION FROM YOU ALREADY AND YOU PUNCHED HIM! DO YOU WANT HIM TO BE HURT PERMANENTLY?" I yelled. I was seething. I turned around to look at poor Mike. He had a bag of ice wrapped in a rag pressed to his face sitting on the couch. I was about to begin yelling again but then Micky spoke up.

"Peter, I really think that this was too far. We've given you a lot of chances to be a good man but you've blown it a lot and Davy, Mike, and I have decided that it would be best if you left the band..." Micky announced. Peter's eyes filled with tears.

"L-Leave the band?" He spoke slowly as the tears splashed down on his cheeks. It reminded me of the first time that Peter and I had ever kissed...

"Yes, Peter. Leave the band," Micky said again. "Please go pack your things and go." Peter turned around and walked sullenly up the stairs. He went to the room opposite of the one Valleri was in and packed his bag faster than I thought he would. He came back down the stairs and stared at Mike.

"I'm... I'm so sorry..." He blubbered. He moved to try and hug me but I backed away from him. The pain in his eyes was apparent but I could hardly look at him.

He took his bag and walked out the door. I watched out the window as he walked to the bus stop and got on the bus. As the by drove away and became smaller and smaller on the horizon, I felt a small pang of something in the pit of my stomach.


I know it's short but it's still an update. It's summer for me now (and I hate it) so maybe I'll be able to write more. In the meantime, enjoy! :] TheMonkeesForLife

P.S. I know it's really surprising so please forgive me. Also, comment your guys' favorite songs down below! I'm looking for new music to listen to. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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