CHAPTER NINE: I Can't Stand It Anymore

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The next day, Peter woke up before everyone and cooked me breakfast.

I was sort of in a haze most of the meal. I just had so much on my mind.

"Jenny? Are you alright?" I heard a distant voice say. I realized it was Peter.

"Uhh yea.." I said, trying to smile.

"You sure?" he asked.

Crap, he doesn't believe me, I thought. How will I explain to him that I'm thinking about Mike?

"Yea. I promise I'm fine," I said, a little brighter this time. He walked over and kissed my forehead.

"I'm here if you need me," he whispered in my ear. That made me genuinely smile.

That day, their set list consisted of Valleri, I'm A Believer, I Wanna Be Free (the slow version), and What Am I Doin Hangin Round?

While they preformed, I know I should have been looking at Peter but the only thing I could focus on was Mike and his amazing guitar playing. I could have sworn he was looking back at me but I just dismissed because it wasn't possible after what I'd done to him.

When they finished, Micky, Davy, and Peter went to go find food, as always. Mike and I made our way back to the room.

"Was I mistaken or were you looking at me the entire set?" Mike asked as he closed the door behind us.

"Oh ummm.." I said, feeling the blush crawl up in my cheeks.

"No need to be embarrassed darlin. I do that every set," he said with a grin.

"Really?" I asked, eyes wide.

"Yea," he said with a chuckle. He walked toward me and took both of my hands in his. I looked down at them. My hands were tiny compared to his. I looked back up at him and he smiled.

"I love-" he started to whisper. I put my finger over his lips because I couldn't bear to hear him say it. So instead, he wrapped me in an embrace with indescribable warmth.

"Mike?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, darlin?" he said into my ear.

"Why?" I asked. He pulled away with a confused look on his face.

"Why what?" he asked.

"Why'd you let Peter have me if you still loved me?" I asked, on the brink of tears.

"Well, he's like my best friend and I wanted him to be happy...." he trailed off. I couldn't stand it anymore. It all happened too quickly.


DUN DUN DUH!!!! What will happen? You will have to wait and see!!! Thanks again for reading! :) TheMonkeesForLife

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