CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Under The Stars With You

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Jenny's POV

"I love you so much," Mike whispered in my ear.

"I love you too," I replied.

"Where'd you go?" I asked.

"When?" he answered.

"When I freaked out and thought you were gone forever," I said.

"Oh. I went to find Peter," he said, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because your face was all puffed up and red and I couldn't stand knowing that Peter made you like that. But it turns out he's struggling just as much as you," he said, sitting up to find his shirt in the rumpled pile of clothes at the bottom of the bed.

How could Peter possibly be going through as much as me? I thought. I didn't say it though. I reached for my bra and underwear out of the pile and got out from under the covers to semi-cloth myself again.

Mike turned around after her buttoned up his shirt and had his boxers back on.

"How about a picnic on the beach?" he asked, holding up a picnic basket.

"But it's dark outside," I said, looking out of our hotel room window.

"Moonlit picnic?" he suggested, raising his eyebrows.

"I'd like that," I said, smiling. Mike took my hand with one hand and the picnic basket in the other. We walked to the beach humming The Kind of Girl I Could Love.

Mike found a spot he liked and set down the basket. He pulled out a blanket and laid if neatly on the sand. I laid down on it and looked up at the stars.

Mike pointed to two stars right next to each other.

"That's us. Far from each other, yet we still know the other one is there by the dim glow," he said.

"That's amazing, Mike. Who said that?" I asked.

"Me," he answered, entwining his fingers with mine. A light breeze whipped at my hair. Mike flipped to lay on his side, looking over at me. I turned to face him. He just stared into my eyes.

"Mike, I know I screwed up before," I said, slowing inching myself closer to him.

"Which time?" he chuckled.

"Every time. I'm so sorry for everything. You didn't deserve any of that," I said.

"Darlin'. Do you want to know a secret?" Mike asked.

"Sure," I said, absentmindedly straightening his green wool cap.

"You could've done things 1000 times worse than you did and I'd still love you," he barely said.

"But why?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. It seems like I can't stop crying these days. I turned away from Mike so he didn't see my tears. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. His warmth spread through me because I was freezing despite the warm California air.

"Because I'll love you this year, I'll love you next year and forever," Mike whispered in my ear. His breath tickled the side of my face.

"Mike?" I asked.

"Yes, babe?" he said.

Ahhh. It feels so good to have him call me that again, I thought.

"Can we sleep on the beach tonight? Just you and me?" I said, pointing to the stars Mike had pointed to earlier.

"Just you and me..." Mike said. "Yea, why not." I curled up into a ball in Mike's arms and he wrapped his arms around me and I never wanted this moment to end.

"Please never let go," I said so quietly I thought I didn't say it.

"I won't," Mike said sleepily. "Goodnight baby." I fell asleep in his arms and with a smile on my face.


Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update! This chapter is crap. It really stinks. I'm so sorry. But it was fun to write at least. Anyways, thanks for reading my crap book! :-) TheMonkeesForLife

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