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When I woke up, I was alone in bed.

"Mike?" I asked into the darkness.

"I'm right here," he answered from somewhere to the left. He walked into view and he climbed back into bed.

"Where did you go?" I asked lazily.

"Nowhere," he answered. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek.

"What time is it?" I asked, trying to peer over him to the digital clock that was on the bedside table.

"It's almost 11:00 PM," he answered.

"I slept all day?" I asked, astonished.

"I guess you were a tired girl," he chuckled.

"I'm still tired," I answered, snuggling up to him underneath the covers. I felt bad because just hours earlier I had been cuddling with Peter in the bathroom. He snaked his arms around me and I pressed harder against. His soft flannel pajamas brushed my legs and I shivered. He held me tighter until I fell asleep, once again in someone's arms. I woke up the next morning at 9:00 and got up. I decided I would get dressed and go out for a bit before the boys woke up. I went to the closet and picked out a knee-length crimson dress with black flats with buckles on them. I inspected myself in the mirror and decided to put on a bit of makeup. I grabbed my makeup bag and slicked on some mascara and eyeliner.

Much better, I thought.

I grabbed my purse and my wallet and headed out the door. I walked a little ways and came upon a small, quaint town called Clarkesville. It was full of thrift shops and antique stores. I decided to head inside one of the thrift stores and browse. I found something that Mike would love. It was a little box with the shape of Texas on it. I knew he missed his home state from time to time. I figured I should find something for the rest of them so I picked out a Mighty Mouse toy for Peter, a comb for Davy (that boy and his hair), a small drum for Micky, and a small, pink stuffed monkey for Valleri. I paid for my small amount of items and decided to go back to the hotel.

When I arrived back, all the boys were awake and Valleri was jumping on the bed.

"Oh Valleri!" I laughed, grabbing her and tickling her stomach.

"Ahhh! Stop it mommy! Stop!" she giggled. I let her go and decided to give the boys their presents.

"I got you guys some gifts," I said, holding up the bag I'd been holding.

"Ooooo. What'd you you get me?" Micky asked eagerly. I pulled his drum out of the bag and presented it to him like I was royal or something.

"I love it!" he exclaimed, hugging me. Then I pulled out the Mighty Mouse toy and handed it to Peter.

"Thanks," he mumbled, kissing my cheek. Next, I pulled out the comb for Davy.

"I was just needing a new comb! Thanks love!" he said, hugging me. I took out the pink monkey.

"Hmm. I wonder who this could be for," I smiled, handing it to Valleri. She hugged my legs and squealed with delight.

"Saved the best for last," I said, taking the Texas box out of the bag. Mike pulled me into him and whispered in my ear.

"Thanks baby," then kissed me. I giggled and he held me close to his side.

"I say we have a picnic," Davy suggested.

"Great idea!" Micky exclaimed. "I'll make the sandwiches."

"On one condition," I said.

"What would that be? " he asked, raising an eyebrow

"Nothing with cream of root beer," I laughed. He smirked.

"Deal," he said, leaving to go to a store to buy some sandwich foods.

"What shall we do to pass the time?" Peter asked.

"How about a little swimming?" Mike asked.

"YEA!" Valleri squealed.

"Alright. Swimming it is," I said, unhooking myself from Mike to go get my swim suit. I went to the bathroom and threw it on. I walked out and Mike whistled.

"Who is this gorgeous girl?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.
How can I love him and Peter so much at the same time? I thought to myself.

After we posted a note for Micky, we headed for the pool.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in fooooorrrrreeeeevvvveeeeerrr. Ice just been overloaded with projects lately. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thanks so much for reading! :1 TheMonkeesForLife

Their New Life (Sequel to Jenny's Choice)Where stories live. Discover now