CHAPTER TWENTY TWO: Jenny's Being Indecisive Again!

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When Micky and I arrived back at the hotel, Valleri bombarded me with questions right when I walked in the door.

"How's daddy? Is he coming home soon?" she asked. The rest of the questions were too jumbled to be understood.

"Daddy's good. He's great actually," I said, thinking of Mike. "I don't know when he's coming home though, sunshine."

"Oh," she said sadly. Peter picked her up and spun her around. She started giggling.

"He'll be just fine. Don't you worry your pretty little head," he said and set her down. She grabbed his leg and he started walking around the room with her.

"Whheeee!!" she yelled as she giggled and Peter walked round and round with her. I laughed and Peter smiled.

"Alrighty, Valleri. Ride's over," he said, untangling her from his leg. She ran over to Davy and did the same thing but poor Davy was too small and too weak to do what Peter had done.

"You have the most amazing smile," Peter said, looking at me thoughtfully.

"Aw. Thanks," I said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Peter, really, I want you to know how much you do mean to me. Like, you've been here for me since forever and I admire you so much for that. I love you so much and I want you to always remember that," I said.

"I love you too," he kissed me. That tingling feeling was back in my stomach.

No! I was so sure I was in love with Mike, I thought. Why'd this have to happen?

"Hey guys?" Davy asked, poking his head in from the other room.

"Yea?" Peter answered before I could.

"Valleri's hungry," he said.

"Alright then you and Micky take to get something to eat," Peter said.

"Okay. Be back in a jiffy," Davy said, walking out of the room, holding Valleri's hand and Micky trailing behind.

"Now where were we?" Peter asked, smirking.

"Hmm. I just can't remember," I said jokily. He kissed me again and I melted away into a puddle of nothingness. In the middle of our kiss, the phone rang. I pulled away and answered it.


"Yes is this Jenny?" a voice said on the other end of the line. I recognized it as Mike's doctor.

"Um, yes this is. Is something wrong?" I asked nervously.

"No. Nothing's wrong. I have just called to inform you that Mike is okay to come home now. You can pick him up today or tomorrow," the doctor said. I started bawling. "Is everything alright?"

"Uh. Yes. I'm just so happy he's okay to come home," I blubbered. "Thanks for the news," I said and hung up. I crumpled to my knees and cried tears of joy. Then I stood up and hooped and hollered for like 5 minutes then Peter came to see what the ruckus was about.

"What's all the ruckus about?" he asked, scratching his head.

"MIKE CAN COME HOME!" I screamed.

"Really?" he said.

"Yes! Let's go get him right now!" I exclaimed and dragged Peter to the car. He hopped in and so did I and he drove to the hospital.

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