Getting Tattoos

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Jimin's POV

Today is it. I'm getting my tattoo today. I wonder who it will be. "JIMIN!!!!" Tae yelled. "Hello, Tae." I responded. "Can we come to your house tonight?!" Tae asked with pleading eyes. "Sure, but why? "I asked. " Bec-""Because you're getting your soulmate tattoo tonight." Jin-Hyung cut off Tae.

Oh. Right.

To be honest, I don't want to get it. What if he hates me?

"Oh! Right! I'm turning eighteen tomorrow." I pulled on a fake smile.

"So it's official. We are going to Jimin's house for a sleepover!" Tae said. Thrilled that he gets to go to his friend's house for a party after such a long time.

"Be quiet, Tae!" Jin whisper yelled, activating his eomma mode.


Jungkook's POV

Last year, I got my soulmate tattoo. I didn't bother looking for my soulmate because running my dad's company was already hard enough. But now that my dad is back, I have nothing to do. I look at my tattoo on my wrist. Jimin. Anyone in the world can have the name Jimin. Maybe he's in my school. Maybe he works at the Jeon company. Oh god. Where do I fucking find a Jimin in my life.

I have dumb school. AGAIN. Hope y'all stay safe. 

                                                                                              -Cameron out

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