Mina strikes again/ Hoseok's gone mad?

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Did ya'll stream PTD yet? I died after that. That's why the update took so long. 😬

Nobody's POV

Jungkook was just taking his books out for the next class until sOmEbOdY had to come up to him and slam the locker door in his face.

"Ugh." Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned his head towards the person. "The fuck do you want?" 

"You~," she said in a disgusting tone.

"Fuck off, bitch."

"Don't say that~," She slaps his arm playfully. "You know you love me." She puckered her lips, expecting a kiss. But what she didn't expect was that Jungkook pushed her aside.

"Oh, come on, we both know I'm better than that slut you're with right now." She says, her high heels clicking as she chases Jungkook.

"Watch your mouth, asshole."

"Nu-uh, baby." She says slyly.

"Don't ever call me that." Jungkook turned to her and stared her in the eye. She shivered at the look on his face before following after him, again.

"Will you just leave me alone?" Jungkook starts picking up his pace, one, to get to class on time, and two, wanting her to leave him alone.

"Not until you take me back~," She sings.

"Shut up with your bullshit. I'll never take you back. I love someone else now."

She giggles sickly. "So you change lovers so quickly? Soon, that son of a bitch Jimin will surely leave you. Or you'll leave him first. Who knows? I only know you'll come back to me one day."

"Over my dead body!" Jimin stomps up to both of them with his tiny feet and puts a short protective arm in front of Jungkook. Jungkook chuckles silently in his head.

She sighs. "What did I tell you? Leave Jungkookie alone or your friends and you are gone!" She screams furiously. The students turn to see what happened but were waved off by her.

Jimin shivers and Jungkook bends down just to come right back up, holding Jimin in his arms tightly.

"Who said you were allowed to talk to my boyfriend like that?!" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows and Jimin buries his face in Jungkook's chest, clutching his shirt tightly.

"I'm the daughter of the principal, I'm allowed to do whatever I please!" She says.

Jungkook scoffs. He turns to Jimin and murmurs loudly. "She talks like she's the president or a princess!" Jimin snickers and hits Jungkook's chest lightly.

"Why are you laughing?! People! Come drag him down to the principal's office!" She claps her hands and her minion 'friends' show up. They tried to pull Jimin from Jungkook's arms, but his grip was just too strong. 

"Ah!" They finally pulled Jimin off.

"Gukkie!" Jimin's legs hit the ground first. Suddenly, Namjoon and Taehyung show up from nowhere and push her friends off.

"Thank you guys," Jimin whispers. The two smile back at him.

"Touch him one more time and you're dead!" Taehyung growls. 

The principal overhears what Taehyung said and walks over.

"Mr. Kim! I thought I made it clear that no threatening happens at this school!" He furrows his eyebrows.

"No, I-" Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the principal and his daughter.

"Yes, papa! He tried to hurt me! And this guy," She pointed to Jimin. "He was the one who tried to steal Jungkookie from me!" She fake cries.

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