Tae's feelings

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That Night

Tae's POV

Earlier in the night, Chim called telling me how his 'date' with Jungkook was. Being the good friend I was, I pretended to be happy for him. After he hung up, I've been thinking why Jungkook is Jimin's soulmate. Is it that they both like the same thing? Or that they play the same video game? What did they have to make them soulmates? Why wasn't I his soulmate? God, what did I do to deserve this. I mean, if I wasn't going to sit with Jin-hyung, Jimin would have probably ditched me for Jungkook an- wait, why am I thinking this? Jimin is MY best friend and I can't think of him like this. Ughhh. But I don't know what to do. I can stand them right now 'cause they aren't at the point where they're all flirting like Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung. But what if their relationship gets better and  Chim forgets me? Sigh, I don't know what to do.

The Next Day

The next day I went to Jimin's house to pick him up like I always do, but then his mom said he went off with someone else. Would it have been Jin-hyung? Eh. That's okay.

When I got to school, I see this fancy shiny black car park up in ahead of me. Then that bitch Jungkook walked out with another guy. That couldn't be him. Right? I rubbed my eyes and guess who I saw walking out of his car? JIMIN! I couldn't believe it. Jimin basically ditched me AGAIN. He doesn't notice me behind him as he talks with Jungkook while walking into the school building. When we were in History class, I was about to ask Jimin if he wanted to sit next to me, figuring out that he already took a seat right beside Jungkook. Grumbling something under my breath, I took a seat beside some girl. She kept flirting with me batting her eyelashes and pursing her glossy nasty lips. 

"Could you stop?!" I asked, annoyed.

"B-but why?" She pouted.

"Because you don't look cute or hot. AT ALL." I said grumpily.

" *Gasps* How could you?! I'm the most popular girl in school! How could you disrespect me like that?! You, out. NOW." She said angrily.

 Then the teacher turned to her with a dark aura surrounding him.


"Okay. Sorry sir." She made a so called 'cute' face. The boys around made heart eyes and stared at her. Ew.

Lunch Time

When the bell rang for lunch, Jimin walked up to me and asked if I would like to have lunch with him. I replied with a nod, only to figure out we're sitting at Jungkook's table. Jimin took a seat and patted the seat beside him motioning for me to take a seat beside him. I sat down and opened my boring ass lunch. I sigh as I took a bite in to my sandwich. Jimin looked at me and asked, "What's wrong Tae?"

 "I met this super annoying girl who thought she was really pretty when she was just a hideous brat. I think her name was Serena or something." I rolled my eyes at the thought of that girl.

"Oh. That girl. I think she's my assistant's sister. They both like to flirt with men they see." Jungkook budded in.

"Oh. THAT GIRL." Jimin said clearly annoyed that the girls were mentioned. 

Jimin then turned to Jungkook and continued their conversations.

I rolled my eyes at the two.

Jin's POV

I noticed Tae wasn't happy with Jimin and Jungkook. After school I invited him to my house along with Namjoon.

While Namjoon was doing whatever he wanted, I sat with Tae and asked him, "Tae, are you feeling okay?" I asked with a bit of worry in my tone.

"Why wouldn't I be fine?" He asked annoyed.

"I saw you at lunch. You looked angry and jealous." I explained.

Tae looked embarrassed as he looked away from me.

"It's okay to be sad that your best friend gets taken away from you, I feel the same." I tried to comfort him.

"B-but, Jimin has chosen me over him this WHOLE day!" Tae yelled.

"Everything okay down there?!" Namjoon yelled.

"Yeah, everything's okay Joonie!" I replied, yelling.

I turned back to Tae. "Look, I know Jimin has been hanging around Jungkook today. But that's only because he wants to know more about his soulmate. Or feel closer to him." I explained. I only knew or thought that Jimin would think this because that's how I felt when I first met Namjoon.

"Are you sure?" He asked, looking up at me.

"I'm not 100% sure but I can assure you that's most likely what's happening." I said.

"O-okay. Thank you Jin-hyung. I shall head home now." He got up.

"Okay. Do you want me to drive you home?" I ask.

"No. That's okay, I can take the bus." Tae simply replied.

"Okay. Stay safe!" I yell as he slams the door. Then I regret saying that. Made me sound like his mom.

Then Namjoon comes down and he asks what happened and I explained it to him.

"Oh. Understood. Jungkook has also been mentioning Jimin in most of our conversations. But all of us was happy that he finally found someone. Jungkook has been very happy these past few days." Namjoon smiled.

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