Sleepover pt.1

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Nobody's POV

Jungkook sighs as he picked up another document and read over it. All he wanted to do was to go on a date with Jimin again. He signed the file and moved to another one again. Jungkook was so tired. He has been pulling all-nighters for the past 2 weeks. He hasn't even had time to go to school. You might think he can just call others from his company to do some of the work. But he really can't. Because all the workers had their own work. And although he hates to say it, Cherry was an excellent secretary. (Minus the flirting part). Hours later, Jungkook decided he needed a break. He has been looking at documents, files, and his computer for so long he thinks he needs fresh eyes.

Jungkook's POV

Ugh. This is too much. I'm taking a break from work now. I need to go to school and see Chim. I get home and take a shower. I plopped on my bed and take my phone out to see 25 missed calls. 11 from Jimin, 3 from Namjoon, 6 from my dad, 4 from Hobi and 1 from Yoongi. I smiled as I clicked on Jimin's contacts. He picked up and the first thing I see is his beautiful face. I assume he must be out of the hospital and back at home.

"He Minnie." I smiled.

"Hi, Kookie! I missed you!" He smiled.

"Really?" I chuckled.

"Yeah." He frowned. "Why didn't you come to school for 2 weeks?! Or pick up my calls?!" He pouted.

"Sorry, love. I had work. I was really busy after I fired my secretary." I explained. He blushed at the nickname.

"Y-You fired her?!" Jimin was shooked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "She hurt you, remember?"

Jimin smiled. "But you didn't have to fire her, Kookie."

I smiled. "Yeah, I had to before she hurt you even more. If I didn't fire her, next time, you would really be in a coma."

Jimin shrugged. "True. But now you're so busy, you can't even come to school!~" Jimin whined.

"I'll come to school tomorrow. You'll see me then, okay?"

Jimin sighed. "Okay, Gukkie." I smiled. That name always reminded me of Cherry. Yet, when Jimin says it, it has a whole new feeling of the name.

"See you tomorrow, Jiminie. You really need to sleep. I assume you just got out of the hospital." I tell him.

He giggles. "How do you know that? I could've gotten out of the hospital the second you left it."

"I just know, love. I just know." 

"Okay then. See you tomorrow, Kook." He waves at the camera.

"Night, my love," I say as he hangs up. 

Soon I start to drift off and sleep...

Next day

Jimin's POV

I'm so excited today! Kookie's going to be back at school and I'm going to see him! I skipped down the stairs, almost falling before grabbing onto the handle. I see my mom making toast and I thank her. As soon as I finish, I hear the doorbell ring. 

Must be Taehyungie. I thought.

But I was wrong. It was Jungkookie!

"Kookie! You're here!" I exclaim. 

"Yeah. To make it up to you, I'm taking you to school today."

"Yay!" I laugh. "Bye, mom!" I wave to her. She waves back.

I sit in the passenger's seat and I notice there someone in the back. 

"AHH!!!" I screamed. That person just stared and laughed.

"T-Taehyung? What the heck are you doing here?" I ask. Before he could talk, Jungkook came in the car.

"I saw Taehyung walking to school today, so I offered him a ride." Jungkook shrugged.

"B-But I thought you guys didn't like each other?" I'm still shocked.

"Meh. We're all good now!" Tae chuckles.

"O-Okay then," I say and the car headed off.

When they arrived at school

"Jin Hyungieeee!" Tae laughs when he sees Jin hyung. Jin hyung giggles and pulls me and Taetae into a hug.

"Missed you guys. Where'd you go?" He looks at Jungkook.

"Tons of work. Way too much. I think my room is flooded by work now." Kookie shakes his head.

"Well, we're glad to have you back!!" Hobi hyung comes out of nowhere, holding Yoongi hyung's hand. I turn to look at Tae and his expression drops. I pull him into a comforting hug. I keep hugging him until he gently pulls me off.

"Thanks, Chim." He smiles.

"No worries. You're my best friend, remember?" I remind him. He nods and pats my head before we all walk into the school.

Lunchtime brought to you by your lazy author

Nobody's POV

Taehyung and Jimin arrive at the cafeteria and Namjoon waves his hand, signalling for the two to join them for lunch. Jimin grabbed Taehyung's wrist pushed him to sit with Yoongi again. And now it's very awkward.

"Um..." Jimin piped up. "I've been thinking this over and I think maybe we could all have a sleepover at one of our houses!" He smiled. "It's okay if you guys disagree with it." He then frowned.

"No! I think it's a pretty good idea!" Hobi smiled as well. They all nodded.

"Yay! Now, whose house are we going to?" Jimin clapped his hands together. "I was thinking Jin hyung's house." Jimin grinned evilly.

Taehyung gasps. "Yesss! Jin Hyung's house!"

"Jin hyung's house! Jin hyung's house! Jin hyung's house! Jin hyung's house! Jin hyu-" The two chanted before Jin interrupted them.

"Yah! You brats! Why are we going to my house?!" Jin pouted.

"Because your house is big and clean." Tae reasoned.

 "Well if you clean YOUR house, it would be clean like mine." Jin rolled his eyes. The rest of the group laughed.

"Well, we're going to Jin hyung's house!" Jimin laughed.

"Ugh fine. But bring your own stuff. And Jimin and Taehyung, you two will have to come over and help start dinner and everything." Jin instructed.

"I can help as well!" Namjoon suggested.

"Um, no thanks, babe. The last time you help me make food, let's just say you almost set the kitchen on fire." Jin chuckles and Namjoon pouts. " You can still come over early!"


Sorry for the late updates guys! 

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