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Nobody's POV

Mina had found Jimin again and pulled him into the empty hallway.

"What do you want?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Did I not tell you to stay away from Jungkook?" She growled.

"I don't recall listening to a moron." Jimin looked at the girl.

The argument went on and on until Jimin walked away.

"Bitch, listen to me!" Mina yelled from behind. 

Jimin smirked before turning around. "Yes, I walked away mid-conversation. You were boring me to death, and my survival instincts kicked in."

Mina stormed towards Jimin and slapped him, hard. The sound of the slap echoed in the hall. Jimin held his tears in and smirked up at Mina as if nothing happened.

"I absolutely hate you." She glared.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because your "boyfriend" thinks so." Jimin quoted boyfriend.

"I have much more fans than you!"

"Don't flatter yourself, honey, the only fan you have is the one on the ceiling." Jimin pointed up.

"You seriously have a problem!"

"If you have a problem with me, then cry me a river and drown yourself in it." Jimin laughed sarcastically.

"Kill yourself, Park Jimin." 

Jimin looked up at her glowing green eyes. "If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb up your ego and jump down to your IQ level."


"Of course I have to talk like an idiot, how else would you understand me?"

"You're such an asshole." Mina laughed, thinking she could get back to Jimin.

"Look," Jimin started, "I'm a nice person. If I'm an asshole to you, you need to ask yourself why."  

"You bitch-" Mina kicked Jimin hard in the stomach and threw him to the wall. She punched his face and pulled his arm until she heard a light crack. She laughed and held Jimin's chin up. "don't you dare tell a teacher I did this. If you did, I will make sure you'll never see Jungkook or any of your friends for the rest of your life." Jimin only stared, not making a sound. Mina smirked before sashaying off to class.

Jimin slowly walked to the washroom and cleaned himself up. He was glad he had an extra sweater in his locker because it was winter. He grabbed the sweater and pulled it over his head. The bell rang, telling Jimin that math class has started. Jimin quickly grabbed his math books, and he shuts his locker before anything falls out. He opens the door and everyone turns to look at him. He apologizes to the teacher for being late and the teacher still scolds him.

"Mr. Park! You are late for the second time this week! One more time and I'm calling home!" She scolded and pushed him to his seat.

Jimin takes a seat beside Taehyung and Taehyung turns to him.

"Why were you late, Chim?" 

Jimin opened his mouth to tell Taehyung what happened, but then closed it seconds after. He didn't want to risk losing his friendship with Tae just because of Mina. So Jimin just told Taehyung that he had to make a call home for emergency reasons. Taehyung didn't believe it but he hesitantly nodded and turned to the board to write his notes. Jimin sighed in relief and gently laid his head on the table. Jimin took some time to think about it before deciding to tell Jungkook about Mina. So after school, Jimin decided to facetime Jungkook. Jimin opened his phone and scrolled for Jungkook in his contacts. After the thrid or fourth ring, Jungkook picked up.

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