What happened?

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Jin's POV

So now that Jungkook has confessed to Jimin, and Hobi is joining us in working together on making Taehyung and Yoongi become a couple, I need to know what happened that night with them at the sleepover.

"Taehyung," I call out when I see him at school.

"Y-Yes, hyung?"

"Are you ready to tell me what happened yet?" 

"Nothing happened! I told you!"

"That's not what you told me a few days ago..." I remind him. "You said you would tell me after Jungkook confesses. And now he did. So, tell me." 

"No~," He whines.

"Quit being a baby, Tae," I tell him.

"But I am a baby~," He whines again.

"Kim Taehyung, cut it out," I say sharply.

"Fine." He stops walking. "I'll tell you."

Nobody's POV

Tae begins to tell Jin what happened the night of the sleepover.

"I confessed to Yoongi hyung that night, thinking that he would reject me because he likes Hoseok hyung, but he just kissed me instead. And that's all that happened." Tae looked away, embarrassed. 

"Tae, that's nothing to be embarrassed about." Jin rubbed Tae's back.

"B-But," Tae stopped.

"Should I tell Jimin?"

Jin smiled. "Of course you should. He's your best friend."

"But when he was with Jungkook-" Tae was cut off.

"Doesn't matter what happened with him and Jungkook before, you still have to tell him. Remember when you felt upset that Jimin always 'ditched' you for Jungkook?" Jin made air quotes on ditched.

Tae nods.

"Think about how he would feel if you didn't tell him anything. He's so much more sensitive than you, and you're reaction was already bad enough, he would overthink it even more."

Tae let Jin continue.

"He was blind to the part when he was ignoring you, but you aren't. You can clearly see that you need to decide to tell him or not. So don't be like him and just tell him. He's your best friend." Jin repeated.

Taehyung sighed. "Thanks, Jin hyung. I needed that." 

"Don't worry. I'm always here." 

"But you know what else I need?" 

"What?" Jin asked, confused.

"A hug." They laughed as Jin pulled Tae into a tight hug, patting his head.

"I'm always here if you ever need anyone to talk to." Jin comforted Tae. Jin knows Tae has been so stressed these past few weeks. Coping with what's between him and Yoongi, school work, and their friendship.

But Seokjin didn't know was that Namjoon was watching from a far distance, thinking Jin was cheating on him.

Timeskip to lunch... Because I'm lazy and stupid.

At lunch, Tae pulled Jimin aside and told him what happened at night. Jimin squealed in happiness for his best friend.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! So tonight, I'll call you at 8, give me all the details." Jimin laughed.

" 'Kay." Tae joined in. He sat down beside Yoongi for lunch, but Yoongi just turned to the side, avoiding Tae.

The thought, 'Is he avoiding me? Was the kiss that night just an accident? Does he only like Hobi hyung? Does he hate me now? Am I that bad?'

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