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Jimin's POV

These past few months I have gotten closer to Jungkook and I think Tae is warming up to Jungkook? I don't know. But I have noticed that Tae is always staring at this one specific person. His name was...

Min Yoongi

Taetae's birthday was coming up soon so I'll have to see if his tattoo says Yoongi. Tae seemed so sad this past week. He looked like he was worried about something. I want to know but I don't want to seem like I'm intruding on his thoughts. I'll ask Jin Hyung to see if he knows anything about this.

Time skip to after school

Jin's POV

After school Jimin ran up to me asking if he could have a word with me. I nodded almost immediately. I haven't actually sat down and talked to him for a long time.

"Wanna come over?" I suggested.

He nodded with a cute smile. "Sure!"

The walk to my house was silent. But it was a comfortable silence.

As soon as we reached my house, he ran for the coziest armchair I've ever sat on. He smiled a smile that says ' You don't mind, right?' I nodded towards him and smiled one of my reassuring smiles.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I get right to the topic.

" Um... so..." He bit his bottom lip and looked down.

"What is it? You know you can always talk to me." I told him.

" ... Do you know what's going on between Yoongi Hyung and Taetae?" He asked looking up.

" I was wondering if you knew. You don't know?" I ask and he shook his head.

I nodded, and he said, " Do you think Taetae has a crush on Yoongi Hyung?"

I shrugged. " Can I call him and ask him if he could come over?" He looked at me with his cute puppy eyes.

"How can I say no to those adorable eyes?" I chuckled. He smiled and took out his phone.

|On call with Taetae🥰 and Mochi🍡🥰|


Yes Mochi?  


Can you come over to Jin Hyung's house?






Be there in 10


Ok bye

|Call ended with Taetae🥰 and Mochi🍡🥰|

Nobody's POV

"He's coming over!" Jimin yelled excitedly.

"Calm down, Chim." Seokjin patted Jimin's shoulder.

After about 10 minutes, they heard the doorbell. "He should be here."

Seokjin got up and opened the door, only to expect an enormous hug from his friend Taehyung.

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