The Coffee Date

563 20 7

2 weeks later

Jimin's POV

It's been two weeks since me and Jungkook has met. We have been going on what we call 'dates'. But I wouldn't say we're in the level where we'd call each other boyfriends or baby. But we do call each other nicknames like, he calls me Mochi and I call him Kookie.

Today he was taking me out to a café nearby for a coffee date. I want to look good because Jungkook is handsome and I don't want to look ugly beside him.

Time skip to when Jimin arrived at the café

When I got to the café, I looked around for Jungkook. I saw him and he was waving his arm, smiling brightly.

"Kookie!" I smiled back

"Mochi! You're here!" He beamed.

"What would you like?" The waitress asked, only looking at Jungkook.

It seems like Jungkook noticed and he turned to me asking, "What would you like Mochi?" He asks sweetly. He said that leaving the waitress annoyed.

"Um... I would like to eat... MOCHIS!!" I smiled big and exclaimed.

"Okay. So a pack of 5 mochis, and 2 ice coffees and.... a butter croissant." Jungkook ordered.

"Is that it, cutie?" That waitress asked. I think I might have looked a bit angry and nervous and Jungkook notices.

"Is that it, Baby?" He emphasized, making me blush furiously at the nickname.

  The waitress was fuming. If you saw her, her face was as red as a tomato and you could see smoke coming out of her nose and her ears.

"This ugly motherfucker is your boyfriend?!" She yelled.

"Who are you calling ugly, hideous bitch?! Look at yourself before insulting someone. Come on Jimin." Jungkook glared at her before pulling my hand and ran out of the café. 

When we stopped at the park, Jungkook and I sat on a bench.

He looked worried as I looked away and bit my lip, hoping I wouldn't break into tears. But it was too late, I couldn't control my emotions now. I started to sob quietly, hoping Jungkook wouldn't notice. Sadly, he did notice. I didn't want him to think this was his fault, because it wasn't entirely his fault. He hugged me pat my head, whispering "It's okay." Over and over again. 

"Do you want to go somewhere?" He asks softly. I nodded my head. 

"I want to go to the beach," I whispered.

"The beach? We don't have any swimming clothes and it's too cold to swim." Jungkook explained.

"No. I just want to walk on the sand and watch the sunset." I replied.

"Oh. Okay," Jungkook shrugged. 

Time skip to when Jimin and Jungkook arrived at the beach

Jungkook's POV

When we arrived at the beach Jimin was asleep. I shook him to wake him up.

"Jimin? We're here." I repeated.

Slowly, his eyes started to open. "Oh? We're here?" He asked.

"Yes. We're here." I replied.

Jimin smiled as he saw the sunset and started taking off his shoes and socks.

"What are you doing, Mochi?" I asked.

"I'm walking on the sand barefooted. You don't expect me to walk on the sand with my shoes and socks, do you?" Jimin asked.

I chuckled. " No, I really don't."

I did the same as Jimin and caught up with him.

He turned to me and asked, "Jungkook, the sunset is so pretty, right?"

I nodded as he smiled again. "This is my favourite place." Jimin suddenly confessed.

"Really? How come?" I looked at him.

"When I was younger, whenever I got sad, angry or mad, Tae and Jin-Hyung would take me here and watch the sunset and kick the water and play with the sand." Jimin looked up as the sky reminds him of what happened in those times. 

"You're right, The sunset here is beautiful." I reminded him.

He turns to me with sad eyes. 

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"It's just that I wish Tae and Jin-Hyung could spend more time with me." He spoke as he sighed. 

I nodded. "My friends are like that too. It's just that you have to give them some time. They're just busy. They'll spend more time with you when they have more time." 

"Okay." He nodded back softly.

I looked at my watch, it said 7:30. Shit. He must be hungry. We never got the food we ordered at the cafe.

"Hey Chim, wanna go get some food?" I ask again. 


We put on our shoes and drove to the nearest restaurant. It was a salad place. 

We ordered some drinks and ate the salad quickly. 

I dropped him off at his house and waved him goodbye before heading home

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