Jungkook's assistant

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(The picture above is Jungkook's assistant)

Jimin's POV

I was looking out the window at the clouds outside, but suddenly the car stopped to a halt. Jungkook opened the door for me and I got out. We got inside and Jungkook's assistant immediately popped up and I glared at her. She glared back. I looked at her and my eyes widen at what she was wearing.

 I looked at her and my eyes widen at what she was wearing

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She looked like she was going to a fucking wedding

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She looked like she was going to a fucking wedding. Does she always wear those kinda clothes? Because she looks like a street rat, but fine. It's not my problem.

"Mr. Jeon!" Her high-pitched voice squeaked.

"Yes?" He faced her now. 

"You have a meeting now with the CEO of the Lee company. He wanted to meet you now since his trip was pushed forward to next week." She explained. He nodded and told his assistant,

"Bring Jimin to my room." The second he finished his sentence he dashed off to another room and she turned to me with a disgusting smirk. 

"So... You're Jungkook's soulmate?"

I glared at her once again and she looked me up and down. 

"Ugh. How can an ugly slut like you be Jungkookie's soulmate?" She looked at me with disgust.

"If you're gonna be two-faced, at least try to make one side pretty. Actually, calling you ugly would be an insult to ugly people." I rolled my eyes at her.

She gasped. "How dare you! Jungkook likes me more than he likes you. You should be jealous."

I laughed. "Me? Jealous of you? Bless your delusional heart. What is there to be jealous of? You're so fake, even China denied that they made you. Don't even get me started on that fake plastic ass." 

She gritted her teeth and sashayed away. 

"Um, you're supposed to bring me to Kookie's room." 

"You can look for it yourself." She then walked off.

"Ugh. She's so annoying." I mumbled under my breath.

I wandered around, poking my head into some rooms that had their door opened and they all looked at least 5 times bigger than my house! Then I bumped into someone.

"Sorry!" We both say at the same time. The voice was familiar.

I looked up and saw Jin Hyung's soulmate.

"Hi!" I waved excitedly.

"Hey." he smiled back. "So... Jimin, right?"

"Yup! And your name is..." I trailed off. Jin Hyung has always brought up his soulmate but sometimes I forget things easily.

"Namjoon." He told me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh right! Sorry." I rubbed the back of my neck. 

"It's okay. What are you doing here anyway?" 

I looked up once again. Geez, looking up at tall people really hurts my neck. " I was going to ask you the same thing. I came with Kookie 'cause we were on a date and he had a meeting and I wanted to go so here I am, looking for his room." I joked.

"Oh. Do you want me to take you there?" He offered kindly and I nodded eagerly.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me why you're here?" I asked.

"I don't mind. I was just here helping Jungkook. Sometimes, Hobi, Yoongi and I come and help him organize or plan events." He shrugged. "Actually Yoongi barely comes. He's always sleeping when he has the time." He laughed and I giggled.

After a bit of walking, he says, "We're here."

I thanked him and went inside. I walked around, touching almost everything I could find in the room. I then sat on his chair, laughing to myself, feeling like the CEO. My mood was broken from a hideous face. The assistant. I read her name tag and it says 'Cherry'. What kind of name is Cherry? 

(No offence to the people with that name🥺) 

"Ugh. What are you doing in Kookie's room?" She smirked, knowing she used the name only I can call Jungkook.

I ignored her.

"Argh, I'm seriously going to fucking slap you!" She warned.

"Do you think I'm scared of you? I would slap you too but that would be animal abuse." I rolled my eyes at the look on her face. She raised her hand, about to slap me. Suddenly, the door burst open.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Jungkook dropped his files and pulled her hand away. 

"He insulted me! Jungkookie~" She whined.

"DO NOT call me Jungkookie. Only my Jiminie can call me that." He turned to me with a small smile.

I smirked and called to her, " I would insult you, but I'm afraid I won't do as well as nature did. And just saying, I'm not really insulting you. I'm describing you."

"SHUT UP SLUT! YOU-" She started.


She gasped. Then she started whining."Jungkookie~ He slapped me first. Your dumb boyfriend slapped me~"

I continued, " I may not be smart, but compared to you, I'm Albert Einstein."

She raged. She came charging at me. And before I knew it, I was knocked out, my head hitting the wooden floor, and everything turned black.

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