The end?

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Rain, screams, sobs, pleading sounds were heard. And don't forget the sound of Jungkook's heartbreaking. Jungkook watched as the ambulance drove away. He was too scared to go in the ambulance. They dragged away from him from the scene and seconds after, the two cars that were damaged exploded. Jungkook paid no attention and instead, he wishes he was the one who was in the ambulance, half dead. He was torn from the love of his life, and he found no more reason to live. His friends told him it would be okay and that his love would make it over. He really wanted to believe in that, but his mind told him no. He laid on the hard pavement ground, tears still escaping his eyes intensely. He prayed that the smaller male was okay and would be back to him soon. His eyes strayed around the scene, and everyone was crying and were sad, but no one's sadness could ever be compared to his. Jungkook soon realizes his mistake and he runs after the car with the loud siren with red and blue flashing lights. Yet, his legs didn't cooperate. Instead, he fell once again, onto the pavement, ripping the holes in his ripped jeans even bigger. His face was now filled with old and new tears stains, or some were the rain and his lip quivered. His knees, elbows, forehead, knuckles and cheek were all scratched up and bleeding, but these scratches were nothing against Jimin's condition. Jimin's organs were bleeding, and the blood spread quickly. His ribcage bones were broken, and so were his arms and legs. He had glass stabbed everywhere around. He was more hurt than Jungkook since the car crashed into the passenger's side and not the driver's. The other car's driver quickly got off the car and ran off. Jimin struggled to pull himself out of the car. He reached out to Jungkook as their car was flipped around. 

"G-Gukkie. . ." Jimin used the last of his energy to say.

"M-Mochi. . ." Jungkook responds lightly. "I'll get u-us out of here, I p-promise." Jungkook climbs out of the car and runs to Jimin's side, opening the door, lightly pulling Jimin out.

"Ow!" Jimin sobs. "My l-leg hurts Jungkookie. . ."

Jungkook pats Jimin's head. "You'll be okay when we get out of here, just, please. Stay with me." Jungkook whispers. Jimin nods slightly and Jungkook pulled Jimin out. He then grabbed his cracked phone and called 119. 

"H-Hello? My b-boyfriend and I got into a c-car crash and h-he is hurt. W-We are at XXX. Please send an ambulance!" Jungkook pants.

"Sir, the ambulance will be here in 20 minutes." A muffled voice says.

"2-20 minutes?! M-My boyfriend can't w-wait that l-long! Please!!! Can you please be here in 5 minutes??!!" Jungkook cries.

"We'll try, sir."

Sometime later, the ambulance arrives and puts Jimin into the ambulance and they drive off.

Jungkook remembered all of that and he walks nears the fire of the cars.

"JUNGKOOK! NO!!!" Jin yells frantically. But Jungkook can't hear anything. He stops at a puddle of Jimin blood that was formed after Jungkook had pulled him out of the car. Jungkook sobs uncontrollably and he feels lots of hands on his shoulder. He turns and sees his friends smiling lightly at him and he follows them back to the little booth the people set up so they were not exposed to the rain. He sat on one of the chairs and Namjoon wiped his tears away. Then Jin began to treat his wounds. Taehyung patted and smoothed his hair. Yoongi caressed his cheek. Hobi passed him water that he hesitantly drank. Seeing his friends do all of this for him made him cry more.

"I- I'm so s-sorry you guys. I hurt J-Jimin. I broke our p-promise, Taehyung and Jin hyung. I'm a terrible soulmate." You might wonder what promise they made. Jungkook made a promise to Jin and Taehyung, saying after asking Jimin out and if he says yes, then Jungkook had to protect Jimin with his life. Protecting him mentally and physically. But Jungkook had broken the promise, and he has to face the sequences.

"No. . . You kept your promise, Kook. You didn't leave him in the car and let him die in the explosion and run off yourself. You helped him out and you called the ambulance. So let them do their part to save Jimin." Jin comforted Jungkook. "You're an amazing soulmate."

Then, out of nowhere, Jungkook's tattoo flashed a bright red, and it wouldn't stop.

"W-What's happening?!" Jungkook says, with more fear laced in his voice.

"We don't know!" Yoongi says, just as scared and he jumped into the warm arms of Taehyung. 

Namjoon's head suddenly snapped up, and so did his fingers. "I got it!" 

"What?!" Jin asks.

"There was this once when Jin was almost got hit by a car, and my tattoo flashed. This must indicate Jimin's in trouble." Namjoon says.

"Duh! He's in a life or death situation!" Jungkook says furiously.

"No! That's not what I meant! If your tattoo didn't flash earlier, it means that he wouldn't be in a life-threatening situation! If it was, it would've flashed earlier! So that means he's in a life-threatening situation now!" Namjoon explains quickly. "C'mon! Get in the car!" He says, and the other 5 boys hop into the car quickly. 

"How do you know that it only flashes when Jimin's about to d-" Jungkook takes a deep breath. "Di-" Jungkook couldn't get that out of his mouth. It just hurt him too much.

"Because Jin had got hurt way too many times, and the only time the tattoo flashed was when he was about to get hit by a car. But obviously, I pulled him back." Namjoon sighs at the last part of his sentence.

"Hey! Have I mentioned you are extremely clumsy as well?!"  Jin pouts.

"Hello? We're at a life or death situation here! Namjoon! Drive faster!!!" Yoongi says, unamused.

Namjoon speeds off to the hospital and they burst in quickly. 

"Where's Park Jimin???!!!" Jungkook frantically asks.

"H-He's in room 1-154. . ." The nurse says, startled.

Jungkook runs off to looks for the room.

"152, 153. . . 154! I got it!" Jungkook turns the doorknob and he walks into the room. There laid Jimin, with a low pulse and Jungkook rushes to his side. "Jimin!" The doctors rush in again, pushing Jungkook out of the room and getting Jimin to surgery again. A few hours later, the doctors come out, head hung low.

"Are you guys Park Jimin's relatives?" The doctor asks.

"Yeah!" Jungkook jumps up, hoping to hear good new about his boyfriend.

"We're so sorry for you lost. . ." They say and walk off. Jungkook's knees dropped to the ground.

"W-What? J-Jimin? M-My l-lost? What d-do you mean?" Jungkook grabbed the doctor's wrist. 

"I mean that he's dead." The doctor says coldly and he shakes Jungkook's grip off his wrists.

"D-Dead? W-What? T-That can n-not be p-possible! J-Jimin's still alive!!!" Jungkook fell to the ground once again, but more tears falling this time.

Jin gaasped lightly and hid his face into Namjoon's shoulder and cried. Namjoon himself had stray tears falling down his face.

Yoongi sobbed into Taehyung's shirt and Tae cried into Yoongi's hair. 

Hoseok's tears were fast too, but he wiped them.

But once again, none of their pain could be compared to Jungkook's. He laid on the floor, soul-less. He felt like someone stabbed him in the back. He first thought it was his pain on the inside, but then he saw the crimson red blood and he felt the physical pain kick in.

"Jungkook!" Hoseok shouts, then everyone turns to him. They see the girl they despise the most, Mina, stab the knife deeper into his back. Jungkook started to lose all consciousness and every thing turns black. But he wasn't sad he would be dead. He was happy because he then could see Jimin again.

-Years later-

Jin once wiped his tears away again and he placed the flowers that represented him and Namjoon in front of the grave. Then it was Taehyung's turn. Then at last was Hoseok's pale yellow ones. They stared at the combined grave of Jimin and Jungkook. They  had decided to bury them together in remembrance of their strong love. 

"We miss you. . ." They all whisper. "And we love you. . ."

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