Lay With Me Forever - Xavier Plympton x Fem!Reader - One Shot

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Description: Reader is Xavier’s lover, left for dead by Margaret outside the camp gates.

Word count: 2.4k

Story written by fckinsupreme on Tumblr, give them a follow because their work is amazing

Warnings: Female reader, AU, death, violence, fluff, angst, blood, shooting, guns. No smut, but there’s mentions of it if you squint

Anonymous requested - I would like a oneshot in which the reader is Xavier’s lover and Margaret kills her on the other side of the road (like Trevor’s death) and Brooke helps to carry her to the other side. Fuffly/very angst


Nothing had changed in Camp Redwood since 1984. The same boring lines of trees, the same bland cabins, and the same bottomless lake remained, in the same basic conditions they’d been left in. Age and the general passage of weathered time, and the occasional batch of weeds, were the only things giving it any sense of change. The amount of trauma you’d endured, reliving that horrific night in the summer of ‘84, had also been a constant presence in the camp, nagging and pulling like a fingernail to a scab. The overall negative energy experienced was all-consuming, evident from the moment you’d stepped foot on the grounds.

But here you were, anyway. All trauma aside, all the sleepless, nightmare-filled nights full of tears, in your apartment as you clutched a pillow to your chest pretending it was him. Out of everything taken from you that night, losing him had been the hardest of all. Your sense of security, your peace of mind, and your friends had all died that July night, but his loss was the most scarring. You had to see him, no matter what dangers or risks could be posed. You knew it could be your last chance, and there was no way you could let it go by.

You take a deep breath, exhaling and beginning to approach.


Xavier could hardly believe his eyes.

Was it really Y/N? Or was it another wishful hallucination that he’d cooked up? That seemed to happen more often than not; now, however, appeared to be the real deal. It nearly brings him to his knees, the sheer, stunning force of it almost too much to bear. She was here, she had come back to him. How long had it been? Five years, if the whisperings he’d overheard held any truth. Yet, she hadn’t changed a bit; she was still a knockout, her (e/c) eyes shining, her (h/c) hair blowing in the breeze. For the first time since he’d been brutally murdered at the hands of Margaret Booth, Xavier felt alive. Warmth settles in his chest, and tears threaten to spill as their eyes lock.

How he wanted to run out and scoop her in his arms! How he desired to bury his face in her neck, to breathe in the life and vibrancy that he himself lacked! How he wanted to kiss her cherry-red lips, to taste her strawberry chapstick and lose himself in her! But it wasn’t possible; he was chained to this realm, tethered to the hellmouth that refused to spit him out. Y/N, however, seemed to need him as well, and began slowly walking toward the gate.

Xavier’s mind flashes to memories of their past, ones that comforted him on the most difficult of days. The two of them in the back of his van, naked and sharing a blunt & some cocaine after a wild night of sex. Passing a beer between them at the beach, vowing to always be together as they gazed at the stars. His confession of love as he went down on her, head between her legs and his mind buzzing on weed, but he meant every word. His tears falling onto her shoulder as he spoke of his past, of the abuse at the hands of his alcoholic mother, the father who abandoned him, the heroin addiction that led him into the clutches of a horrible man who forced him to do gay porn as “a favour.” Her promises of always being there for him and swearing that he never deserved any of those horrible things. The sounds she made when he made love to her, and how different it was from the animalistic sex that was his M.O. Their first fight, over him working extra at the studio, but it was only to buy her a beautiful ring that he used to propose with on her birthday. That night, asking her to be his forever, by the ocean in the moonlight. Sharing a bottle of red wine, jokingly making wedding plans while nude and half-drunk in her bed.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now