Seducing [Kai Anderson x Reader]

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Written by doubtersgetnocookies on Tumblr, give them a follow!

Warnings: smut, violence, mentions of blood, spanking

Word count: 1022


There we were, yet again sited, front to front, at the round table, intertwined pinkies.

"I need you to do something for me little lamb.", he said with a faint smile on his lips.

"Tell me." I quickly responded.

"I need your persuasive powers", his smile faded.

I chuckled, "My persuasive powers Kai? You've got to be joking me...".

He squeezed my pinky, pulling it towards him and stared straight into my eyes for a second, "I need you to bring that filthy pig to me", he crinkled his nosed and sniffed, "that cop... I need you to seduce him in little lamb."

"What? Brad Sanders? He's a disgusting piece of shit, I don't want to do it"

"You'll do this for me. You're incredible. You burn brighter than anyone.", he smiled, "I need you to bring him to me, I know you can do it."

"What do you need that pig for?" I asked, intrigued.

"That's non of your business, I just need him in and you're the one who's going to get him for me, I know it."

He quickly broke the pinky promise, throwing my hand against the table, standing up and sitting back down on the sofa, with his right leg crossed over his left leg.

I sat down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Kai?", "Hm?", "What exactly do you want me to do? Do you want me to bring him here?" I asked, confused. "Yes", he said, in a sober tone.

It took me a few days to seduce Brad, Kai was aware of my every move. I took Brad to Kai's house, it was late, we went out to have dinner and then drinks at a friends bar downtown. Neither of us was sober. Kai new we were coming. I almost felt bad for Brad, if only he wasn't such a piece of shit human being... A while after the clock hit 1am we decided to head home, Kai was waiting in the basement, where I was suppose to take Brad. I opened the door quietly, pulled Brad in and as soon as I closed the door he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me, it felt horrible but I had to let it happen, for Kai and for me. I led him to the basement, we went down stairs, I pushed him against the sofa and climbed on top of him, kissing him again.

"Go" I heard, I looked to my right, and there he was, Kai. I was happy he saw that, maybe he would treat me better now. Maybe he would know what jealousy feels like now. I didn't say anything, I grabbed my handbag and left.

Kai called me in a few days later. I was greeted at the door by Winter. I walked down the stairs and stopped in front of him. He was sited in the middle of the sofa, dressed in white, a shirt buttoned all the way up to his esophagus. He moved his hair away from his face with both hands, one on each side, gazing at me, slowly standing up and walking in my direction. He stopped an inch away from me, I closed my eyes, I could feel his breath on my lips. He inhaled deeply and slapped me so hardly I fell on the floor. I stood up, frowned and ran to him, kissing him passionately while I slapped his chest, "You were jealous, weren't you?", I asked, unbuttoning his shirt, "Admit it!".

He picked me up and pinned me against the wall, "Jealousy is a sign of weakness, I'm a symbol of strength", yet another kiss, "But you've been a bad girl.", he said while he ripped my shirt off. "Turn around", he said, roughly. He held my hands high against the wall, moved my hair away from my back and kissed me down from my neck to my bra, which he unhooked with his teeth. He held down my wrists crossing them behind my back, holding them both with one hand, while he slowly slid my bra straps down my arms taking it off. He then let go of me, took his shirt off and exhaled deeply, "Come on little lamb, do what you have to do", he said as he made his way back to the sofa, sitting down, with his arms opened, over the back of the sofa. I bit my lip. I approached him and started massaging his dick through his jeans, I could feel him getting hard already. I slowly unbuttoned his jeans, kissing him until I reached his hard dick, pulling his jeans and underwear down. I grabbed hold of his dick and started rubbing it up and down, kissing and licking the tip, slowly. He tilted his head back in pleasure and held my hair. I fastened my pace, licking his dick from the bottom up, as I blow him the more he pulls my hair. I start kissing him up to his neck, still massaging his hard dick. I take a second to lift my skirt and take off my underwear, and I climb on top of him. He penetrates me, I moan and kiss him again. He picks me up by my waist and throws me against the sofa, opens my legs wider and penetrates me even deeper, I tilt my head back in pleasure when I feel his hand sliding from my chest all the way up to my throat, squeezing it, I groaned as I put my hands around his. He fastened his pace as he spanked me with his other hand, I bit my lip so hard I drew blood, he kissed me again. "You taste so good little lamb" he whispered as he put his thumb in my mouth. I could feel him throbbing inside of me. A hot load. He came inside of me. He groaned in pleasure and so did I. He fell on top of me and said, "You've done a good job".

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now