spare me // tate langdon X reader

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Written by beautifully-insane-hs on Tumblr, definitely give them a follow!

pairing: tate langdon x reader

genre: angsty and a little fluffy

summary: pre-dead!tate makes a friend during a very dark time.

warnings: potentially trigging content and possibly romanticises self-mutilation.

word count: 4600


You ran hazy-eyed into the men's bathroom, tears discarding your vision. With trembling knees and shaky hands, you managed to find yourself locked in an empty stall, unaware of the blond boy smoking you passed by beforehand. You brought your legs right up to your chest, your tears draining from your eyes and toppling over your reddened cheeks.

The bullying had always been there for you, it didn't always bother you and you never tried to answer back, choosing to ignore them and carry on with your day. However, today had gotten violent and you had tried with all your might to fight them off, only there was three against one. Very brave of them.

Unable to stop yourself you took out a blade from your pocket. You didn't know why you had brought it to school, but you felt better with it, almost as if the blade gave you a sense of hope and shielded you from the unwanted taunts.

Pressing the blade deep into your arm and moving it across multiple times, you sucked in a staggering breath, watching as the blood from your arm slid down in smooth maroon lines and splashed creating a small pool of blood on the dirty toilet floor. Looking at all of that blood was like a small dose of Heaven for you; a euphoria painted from blood within your own veins.

"Y'know you shouldn't do that in school." You heard a voice say from outside the chipped green coloured door. You were startled at first but soon realised it was a bathroom, and people did need to do the 'do' here. Before you could process his words and reply the stranger spoke again.
"You wanna come out?" His voice was soft and calm, unlike any you had heard before. You saw a glimpse of his combat boots from under the gap in the door and felt very intrigued as to who the stranger was.

You unlocked the door slowly, leaving your sleeves of your dark green jumper to fall down by themselves and your blade to be abandoned on the floor. Making sure your legs were steady, you emerged from the stall. The stranger was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of you, a cigarette in his mouth and a box of matches in his hand. You had to admit, as much as you were wary of the stranger, you were very interested in him.

His blond curls fell into his dark brown eyes that looked as if they were searching your soul for an ounce of something that interested him. To your surprise, he didn't speak, but stood and turned on the tap from the sinks behind him. His cigarette remained unlit as he continued his task of dampening some paper towels and cooing you towards him.
"Let me see them." He stated as more of a command. You had never shown anyone your self-harm scars and cuts before and you stayed where you were. The stranger noticed how wary you were and smiled in a much more understanding way than a pitiful one and you appreciated that.

Looking closer into his eyes, bags marking them as there own, you thought he looked as though he had carried a great deal of shit on his back lately. He took your arm and pulled up your sleeve, stained blood littering your arm and jumper. You winced as he pressed a damp paper towel across your wound.
"You wouldn't want it to get infected." You wondered why he was helping you but before you could speak up he spoke again, in a much cheerier tone than his last, "I'm Tate. Tate Langdon."

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now