Partner In Crime [Dandy Mott X plus size reader]

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Written by plus-size-reader on Tumblr, go give them a follow!

Word count: 1130

Warnings: murder

Summary: Reader is Dandy's wife who walks in on him in the middle of a murder...and decides to help him clean up his mess.


You were shocked when you walked into the trailer, as anyone would have been at the sight in front of you.

Dandy, your darling Dandy, was kneeling over a man with a knife in his abdomen. It was quite a gory scene, with blood everywhere but for some reason, you weren't all that overwhelmed.

It seemed like you knew just what to do as you headed into the room, taking only a moment to digest what you were seeing. In that moment, all you could think about was helping Dandy get this all cleaned up.

You knew what would happen if anyone saw this, and you weren't prepared to lose him. You weren't going to let them take him away, so you stomached the sight in front of you and rushed to grab the rags.

Now Dandy at this point, was shocked...maybe even more shocked than you had been only a moment prior. He had never meant for you to see this side of him, but more than that, he didn't know how to explain it.

He didn't want to lose you and he didn't want to hurt you, but something told him that you were going to want to go. He was sure that you were going to pack your things and never look back.

Perhaps that was why he was so moved when you began trying to tidy up the scene behind him.

He hadn't been expecting that at all.

What woman in her right mind would do something like that? Did you not understand what you were looking at? He had never considered you to be stupid, but that was the sort of action that only something incredibly dense would take.

It was mind-blowing.

"Dearest, I can explain" he started, hoping you would let him get a word in before running off to find the nearest police station. He didn't want to go to jail for the rest of his life, if he could help it.

You hummed, urging him to continued, though you were much more focused on finding the lye that would get the blood out of the floorboards. As it started to dry, you knew that there would be no getting it out.

This was a time sensitive thing after all.

"Who is he?" you wondered, finding a mop bucket and filling it with the chemicals before getting to work with the scrubbing. You didn't want to ruin your skirt, but worried less and less as the blood loosened from the floor.

You had never seen the man before, but it was possible that he was a friend of his. You mostly just wanted to know why he'd decided to kill him of all the people, did he even need to have a reason?

You weren't entirely sure.

All you knew was that he'd probably been doing this for quite some time...and you were no where near done cleaning up his messes. In being calm about the whole thing, you'd proven to Dandy that you were more loyal to him than anything else in the world.

And what could be better than that?

"He's no one" he allowed, continuing to hack at his limbs. The action made an absolutely horrific sound, that made your skin crawl. None of this was pleasant, and you were sure that you'd have to bathe a few dozen times to feel clean again.

You understood just how wrong the whole thing was, and you were sure that a jury would find you certifiably insane but none of that mattered as you cleaned.

All that you cared about was making sure that Dandy didn't have to deal with this alone.

You were his wife after all.

It was your job as his wife to make sure that he was always taken care of, and that he always had you by his side. You were his partner in life, and apparently now, in death.

"Well, no one is making quite the mess" you huffed, wiping you hands on your cardigan that was, without a doubt, ruined.


The mess didn't take all that long to clean up, all things considered and by the time that you were finished, every inch of the trailer was spotless. It was almost as if the murder had never happened, except for on your body.

Every inch of your clothes had been touched with some form of bodily goo and you doubted it would ever come out.

However, that was the least of your problems.

Now came the difficult part.

You had to go to bed every night with a murderer, a man that you'd seen covered head to toe in blood. You loved him, and even after seeing what you'd seen, you still did.

That simple fact was enough to make you sick to your stomach, but Dandy didn't seem even a bit phased. Instead, there was a sparkle in his eyes, like a child at the park.

It was as if his every dream had come true, and you weren't sure how to react. What did you say after you helped someone clean up a murder? There was no social protocol for something like that.

"What are you thinking about?" you asked, your voice slicing through the darkness like a knife. Your throat felt dry as the words escaped, after having not spoken for so long.

Dandy blinked a few times, as if waking from a dream. He was in a haze but more than anything, he looked happy. "I am thinking about you, my darling wife" he purred, reaching out to take your hand in his own.

The skin there was dry, due to scrubbing the floors with harsh chemicals, and there was still spots of blood, dried down to your palms. You were both covered in it, and if someone saw you, there would be hell to pay.

However, Dandy wasn't even phased.

He was just in awe of the woman that he'd fallen in love with. You were a gift from God, the perfect partner in crime. It blew his mind that you had been so willing to be a part of this...and he wasn't ready to forget it.

"The perfect woman I married" he allowed, reaching out to take your face in one of his hands. He stared into your eyes for a second, thinking over the exciting few hours he'd had and before you could argue, pressed his lips to your own.

You were shocked at first, but after thinking about it, it made perfect sense. To Dandy, this was the closest bonding experience that the two of you had ever had.

He may have been a murdered, but before anything, he was your husband.

So, without another thought, you kissed him back just as passionately...your partner in crime.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now