Anxiety [Jimmy darling X reader]

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Written by evandearest on Tumblr, give them a follow!

pairings: jimmy darling x reader

summary: when the anxiety just gets to be too much, jimmy is always there to comfort you.

Word count: 880


it always started out like this.

the shows, the crowds, the people—sometimes it was just too much. sometimes all you wanted to do was just cry.

what upset you even more was that you didn’t—couldn’t—completely understand why. it just was the way it was. you just got anxious.

it’d been that way for as long as you could remember. it wasn’t that you were necessarily super shy, it’s just that you couldn’t talk to people sometimes. sometimes they just made you tired.

well, everyone except one person.

jimmy darling.

sure, some would argue that he was bold. a flirt. some couldn’t see why you had gravitated towards him. you knew why.

he was different. and it wasn’t about his hands, or claws, as many people called them. in fact, that wasn’t even the first thing you noticed about him. it was his eyes.

it was like staring in a mirror for you. all those years of pent up insecurity, frustration, and self doubt that you had struggled with. all those times that you just wanted to scream and cry, because no matter what you did, you would never—could never—be perfect. it was the countless times you’d had panic attacks before even leaving your own house.

the thing about jimmy, the thing you loved most about him, was that he knew. he knew exactly how you felt. he knew because he did too. and you knew in return. you’d never imagined that you’d ever find anyone who understood you like he did. he knew what you needed from the moment he saw you.

and so, it was one of those times.

the show had been long. it had lasted for over two hours longer than usual. in which meant you had spent hours trying to kindly influence tons of drunk people to leave. in which then spent tons of time cleaning after them. in which then you and jimmy didn’t get back to your shared trailer until nearly midnight.

you were exhausted. not just physically. mentally exhausted. emotionally exhausted. just exhausted in general.

as soon as the door softly clicked shut behind you, jimmy flopped onto the couch, sighing. you immediately headed back to the bedroom, deciding to change. you stripped out of your denim shorts and t-shirt, and changed into some comfy shorts and one of jimmy’s t-shirts. you then made your way back into the living area to stand in front of jimmy.

jimmy glanced up at the sound of you. your gaze was locked onto the ground as you stood, still as a statue. he knew immediately that it wasn’t just a normal night. he knew that look. and he knew what you needed.

“come here, darlin’.” you glanced up at his voice, watching him as he stretched one of his long arms wide, the other beckoning you towards him.

your eyes watered as you slowly walked over to him. once you were close enough, he gently pulled you into his lap, tucking you into his side. you couldn’t help it anymore. sobs wracked your body as you melted into him.

shh,” he whispered softly, his voice calming to your ears. “let it out, baby. i’m here.”

you knew his words meant so much more to you than he would ever realize. if it weren’t for jimmy, you don’t think you could have survived this long. he was your rock. and you were his.

and so you cried. you cried until it felt like you couldn’t anymore.

even after your breathing calmed, you still sat there, cuddled into his side, clinging onto him like he was your lifeline. because in a way, he was.

i’m sorry,” you whispered hoarsely after a while.

jimmy immediately squeezed you tighter to him.

no,” he said, his voice unwavering. “don’t you ever apologize to me, darlin’. never. you got nothin’ to apologize for.”

a small tug at your heart forced a tiny, watery-eyed smile to your face. you sat up slightly to look jimmy in the eyes.

jimmy,” you whispered, your fingers lightly resting on his jaw.

he sat there, eyes locked onto yours, waiting expectantly, but patiently for you to finish.

there was only one thing you could even think of saying.

i love you,” you said, voice wavering slightly as you fought more tears. “so damn much.

jimmy smiled, his hand coming up to wipe away your tears. “i love you too, beautiful.

that nickname made more tears fall, but this time a smile accompanied them.

you really think so?” you whispered, doubt creeping into your voice. jimmy scoffed, his hands cupping your face.

darlin’, you are the most damned beautiful thing i have ever seen. i swear to it.

your smile felt splitting, your body felt warm, and all you wanted to do was kiss him. you just wanted to kiss the hell out of him. because he was the most damned beautiful thing you had ever seen.

and so you did. your lips met, and suddenly everything was okay. it was all okay, because you had jimmy.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now