A Temporary Solace // Michael Langdon x reader // fluff

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Written by ajokeformur-ray's on Tumblr, give them a follow!

Summary: Who else but Michael can look after you so well? You come home to him after a long hard day at work, and he’s there for you.

Word count: 569.

Fluff. So much fluff.


It was dark when you came home. Your mind felt like the fuzzy black and white static on a television when it couldn’t connect to the aerial, and your body felt like lead. You were exhausted after running around at the veterinary clinic, looking after other people’s beloved furry animal family members and wishing to re-adopt some of them. It was a fulfilling and worthy tiredness which you were feeling, but you craved two things above all else.

Sleep and Michael Langdon.

As your mind settled on your comforting and frequent thoughts of Michael, you fumbled with your house keys. As you pushed the key into the lock, the door swung open, forcing you to leave your keys dangling from the redundant lock.
Your thoughts were before you, a soft smile on his face, and you greeted your Anti Christ with a dazzling smile.


He caught you easily in his arms - you hadn’t noticed throwing yourself closer to him in a hug - and pulled you tightly to his body, bringing you inside and shutting the door behind him. The sound of metal keys being thrown carelessly onto the nearest available surface broke the silence as the two hardworking and warm hearted people clung to each other.

“I missed you so much.” You curled your fingers into Michael’s golden hair and he squeezed you tightly for a second by way of reply.

“And I you. Tell me, how was your day?”

“’M tired.”

“Of course you are.” He hummed, pulling away from you. “Dinner is prepared, love, and everything in the bathroom and your bedroom is ready for you.”
Not having much left in the way of mental energy to reply to him, you simply kissed his cheek and left to take care of yourself; all the while thinking of the clinic and how much you missed Michael.

When at last you were ready for bed, the time was late and you winced, knowing how little sleep you would get this night and how early you had to be up tomorrow morning. Was sleep even worth the effort at this point?

“Yes. Don’t do that to yourself.”

So used were you to Michael’s being able to sense your thoughts and answering them aloud that you didn’t start in fright. You only climbed into your warm bed and found yourself pulled into Michael’s body. Natural body heat from Michael, the weight of the duvet, the exhaustion of your day… All of it melted away as Michael whispered all the words that you needed to hear; how proud he was of you, how much he loved you, the plans he had for the future of the world… All of it. Your place was securely beside him; it was non-negotiable. There was no Michael without you, and his telling you this while he played gently with your hair and occasionally kissed your forehead, the side of your head, was one of the last things you heard that night.

While you slept peacefully in his arms, Michael hands rested either side of your head. He muttered spells, phrases and the like to promote physical and mental healing and made sure that when you awoke the next morning, you had ample energy for the day despite how little sleep you really got, and that his words of love and praise were ringing in your ears until next he could offer you some temporary solace.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now