Sensing Michael's darkness [Michael Langdon X reader]

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Written by writing-foxie on Tumblr, give them a follow, Their work is amazing!

Anonymous said:
Hi ,can you write about michael and the reader kissing, then she decides to take her distance and ignore him bc she knows he’s not as good as he seems and he confronts her?? Thank you

Warnings: fluff and angst

Word count: 1788


You touched your lips softly. Almost carefully. You felt like the simple touch may burn you. As if they were tainted, mark by the Devil himself.

It was a whole week already.

You looked out of the window through closed blinds as stealthily as you could. The constant rapping of little stones hitting your window was going on forever. And he was there. Of course he was there, like every day, Monday through Sunday without exception, since you ran away from him.

Michael was looking up hopelessly. His blond mop of hair was much messier than you remembered. He looked disheveled. His t-shirt all wrinkled and black ripped jeans dirty from dust. He looked like lost puppy. Even in the orange glow of setting sun you could tell he was crying, a tray of tears on his cheeks softly glistening in the sunlight.

Your heart was breaking too, eyes watering. But you couldn't face him, not yet. You stepped back from the blinds again and sat on your bed, knees pulled to chest. You needed to arrange your thoughts first.

You only recently stepped across the border of friendship to the relationship zone. Michael was... perfect. He wasn't your first boyfriend but he did so much better than all of the previous ones combined. He always made you laugh, always seemed to understand what you need and was your biggest hype-man and support.

You loved him. It was too soon, you knew, but there could be no doubt about your feelings. He owned your heart for a while now. And you felt his was in your hands too. You couldn't explain it but it was like you were meant to be, as cheesy as it sounded.

He was always so gentle with you and considerate, never pushing you to do anything you didn't want. If you so much as looked unsure, he dropped whatever made you feel uneasy and reassured you it was alright.

Just like with your first kiss - meaning lips on lips kiss, you kissed him plenty on cheeks and forehead, keeping it almost child-like. You refused to let your lips meet in that innocent sign of affection for a time that would be considered unusually long by most standards. Your own too. But you were afraid. Not of him, god no. You were afraid of yourself - of your feelings. You believed that once you kissed him, there would be no going back and you'd be in far too deep. However far-fetched it may sound, you couldn't shake off that feeling.

And turns out you were right. Ever since your first kiss he was on your mind every second of the day and at night you dreamed about his baby blue eyes. Your heart was breaking with your own decision to ignore him but you had your reasons.

As your lips touched and melted then, images spawned in your mind. A quick flashes of - what? Dreams? Dark desires? Future? Now, you were no prude - virgin alright - but prude, no. What you've seen though, naked flesh coated in blood, candles around pentagram as Michael made love to you... and so much more... it scared you. Terrified you even.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now