Jimmy Darling x Reader, Jealousy.

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Originally posted And written by tragicmentality on Tumblr

Word count: 1,454

WARNINGS: Smut, cursing, spanking.


"Mother! Come on!" A slightly high pitched, needy sounding voice echoed throughout the camp. Everyone had been sitting at the group of picnic tables, eating the lunch Ethel had prepared for you all.

Oh god. This must've been the guy Jimmy had told you about. The voice matched up to the tone described by your friend, even the attitude behind it. You'd never actually met him before, but you knew for a fact that he'd come each day for the past four days attempting to buy the twins. It was tiring to say the least. It had the twins uneasy, Elsa constantly irritated, and every other resident of the camp on-edge.

You heard sighs and grunts of annoyance echo throughout the large space as two sets of footsteps approached. You stood from where you sat, smoothing your knee-length, pastel blue dress as you took a new seat between Suzy and Eve.

Approaching was a man with dark, slick back hair aside from the two curls that'd been arranged on his forehead. He was dressed exquisitely, obviously bathing in riches. His jawline was sharp and contrasted well with the round bags under his eyes.

Accompanying him was an elderly woman. She had creases along her face, presumably from both age and stress. Her hair sat stiffly above her shoulder, the amount of hairspray in it giving it an almost plastic-like appearance. She had a dash too much makeup on, having her cheeks coated in powdered blush and her lips over-lined with pink. She wasn't dressed so bad herself, but not nearly as flashy as the man you now knew was her son.

As he took long strides towards the large tent, his gaze suddenly turned to you. As if dropping any subject matter he came to talk about, he shoved his hands in his pockets as he sauntered over to your table.

A tingle of nervousness ran down your body as your gaze met his, giving him a nervous half-smile. He wasn't bad looking, you had to admit, but you could tell just from his primal gaze that it was only skin deep. You were uneasy to say the least, glancing around to see if you could find your 'crush' as Eve had always referred to him as when talking to you. You'd had feelings for your closest friend, the Lobster Boy himself, Jimmy Darling. While most people saw him as a deformed monster, those outside of the camp at least, you thought he was perfect. Oh what it'd feel like to hold his hands in yours..

You were snapped out of your thoughts as the man in front of you reached out to shake your hand, giving you a wicked grin. Your trembling hand nervously extended to his, shaking his hand anxiously. Instead of taking your hand into his, he lifted it to his lips to press a soft kiss against the back of your hand.

"I'm Dandy. Dandy Mott."

"Uh.. Yeah.. I'm Y/N.." You manages to stutter out along with a nervous giggle. His gaze looked more than intrigued by you as your eyes met his.

Your lips tugged into a nervous, obviously fake smile as he pulled up a chair. He sat down across from you, propping his head up on his elbows as he leaned over the table, shooting you a devilish smile. After a few moments too long of awkward silence with all eyes on the two of you, he started, "So.. Tell me about you."

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now