stuck [Xavier Plympton x Plus size!reader]

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Written by plus-size-reader definitely give them a follow!

Word Count: 1,726 words

Warnings: none

Summary: Reader was Xavier’s girlfriend. She decides that she has to see the spot where X died…maybe it would help her feel better.


You had to see it. You had to see the place that Xavier died.

The whole thing was so stupid. If you went with him, you’d probably be dead too. You knew that but right about now, that sounded better than being alone forever.

You missed him.

You would do anything to see him again, to say goodbye.

And that wasn’t an option, that’s not how death works. So, you’ll have to settle for a visit to that stupid camp.

It was the closest you could get to being near him again. Maybe paying your respects at the place he died would make you feel better.

Or, it would just reinforce how angry you were.

The cops said that Brooke Thompson had killed him, but you had to be sure. You had to know that was what happened and your only hope of finding out the truth would be any evidence still at that camp.

You just had to see it.


It was a hell of a drive in the middle of nowhere but the farther you got away from society, the fewer houses you saw, the closer you were to being there. You knew that it had to be here somewhere.

The gates of hell.

The ground was soft beneath your feet as you walked toward the first cabin. You had only heard about it in weekly phone calls from Xavier.

But as far as you could tell, the information he had given you was more than enough.

There wasn’t anything super interesting about this place.

At least, as far as you could tell.

Your fingers scrapped along the painted wood of the cabin, catching slightly on the skin of your pointer finger. It was old, but not splintered enough to actually be of any danger to you.

It just served to show you how truly decrepit and awful it was here.

If you had it your way, you’d have burned the whole place to the ground. Maybe then terrible things would stop happening.


At the moment though, all you wanted to do was get off your feet.

The drive had been a bitch, and you didn’t particularly care about disturbing the place, so you yanked open the door to one of the cabins, hearing the hinges creek.

No one had been here in months, so it didn’t surprise you that things had went downhill in that time. The place was already pretty crappy to begin with, so the lack of whatever maintenance they had done, didn’t do it any favors.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now