You Should See Me In A Crown [Michael Langdon X reader]

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Written by quacksonbarnes on Tumblr, definitely give them a follow!

Pairing: Michael Langdon x Y/N

Warnings: Fluff, Gore?, Death, Reader may be a bit psychotic, Time skip

Word Count: 1.3k

Wearing a warning sign

Wait till’ the world is mine

Fell for those ocean eyes


“I'm about to gouge my own eyes out so I don't have to look at this weak ass congregation anymore, I need to hear some sins,” The woman donned in a crimson red robe spoke egotistically, pacing around the satanic symbol that was plastered on the church’s wooden flooring.

“Madelyn, stop your whining it’s getting irritating,” You exclaimed rolling your eyes in an unimpressed manner, rising out of the seat of the furtherest pew away from the ‘stage’ muttering a quick excuse me to the dirty blonde who had just stumbled in without invitation.

Your blood red heels clicked against the wood, strutting down the middle of the church you abruptly stopped just in front of the woman, almost intimidatingly as the way you carried yourself seemed to radiate a mostly dominant aura.

“And who are you?” Her voice dripped with venom, eyeing the get up your wore up and down disgustedly which made you scoff in her face in retaliation.

“Your worst nightmare sweetie,” You leant forward, sliding your hand around her throat and licking a stripe up underneath her jaw, letting out a psychotic giggle at her reaction.

“Now let’s have some fun shall we?” You rhetorically questioned, circling the womans’ shorter figure and letting your hands roam all over her body trying to distract her from the fact you had a knife hidden underneath your little black dress.

Inconspicuously pulling the metal blade out of your garter, you grabbed a fistful of her hair in your hand, pulling her body against yours smirking as the audience seemed more than captivated by your performance.

“I’m sure the so-called antichrist will love this,” You cooed sarcastically, bringing the scalpel-like blade quickly across Madelyn’s throat, red sticky substance began pouring out of the cut immediately, drowning the floor in the crimson colour as she choked, desperate for air to enter her lungs.

Gasps echoed through the church as you let go of her lifeless body, curtsying evilly, you licked the metallic substance off the knife before shoving it back into the garter, marching down the side of the pews to reach your seat promptly.

Rudely crossing your legs against the head of the pew in front of you, you focused your gaze on your chipped black nails frowning as you knew you had to put the effort in to redo them.

“What are you all looking at me for? I just did what had to be done,” You explained, the many eyes of the silenced audience making you feel slightly uncomfortable under their gaze.

Once the chatter began again, the nerves that had ridiculed your stomach disappeared as the small donation basket finally reached you.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now