Taste like Heaven ~ [Chet Clancy X male reader]

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Written by hecohansen31 on Tumblr, go give them a follow!!

WARNINGS: Male/Male Relationship And Sex (Oral Sex, Male Receiving), Unprotected Sex (WRAP IT UP, CHILDREN, WE ARE NOT GOING TO SLEEP ONTO STDs), Mention of Homophobia and Biphobia, Fanatic Bitch! Margaret, Blood and Murder.

Word count: 3243


Chet didn't swing that way.

He swung both way, more precisely.

But his manager had told him that it wouldn't be good publicity for his Olympic career, to admit us preference for both genders, hence the need for the stereoyds and the constant "I a manly man attitude".

But he wasn't able to keep it up anymore, when you walked in the jazzercise class, in tight short and a smile that could have brightened the room, and although he had tried desperately to keep his mind on Brooke, smirking at her as he thrusted his hips to the ground, he was looking at you with his sideye.

Jazzercise wasn't certainly your thing, he thought as you constantly needed Xavier's guidance, enough that he wondered whether you were just acting up to get the blonde man's attention or whether you were just THAT bad.

He hoped it wasn't the first option.

In the locker room, he caught a glimpse of your naked body, meanwhile he made some humor of your two left feet, and Ray joined in, joking and letting Chet know your name, since apparently you knew Ray because you worked together

"He is a vet, I had to see him a few times, because we have an animal shelter near" Ray had explained to their common friend, meanwhile you blushed adorably, appearing meek, and Chet definitely had to hide with a towel the evidence of how much he liked that shyness.

"I am still not a vet, I am learning to become one. I am nothing but a simple intern, running for coffe and photocopies!" you joked, meanwhile Chet simply blushed as you caught him looking over at him, meanwhile you moved out of the locker room to grab a coffee.

There you found Xavier waiting for you, and he proposed to you to go out with them at Redwood.

"Oh I am going to have to ask around since I might be working, but a vacation doesn't sound so bad" you mumbled almost dreamily, gently rubbing your neck, as Montana and Brooke joined you.

You fell a bit behind in the conversation, gingerly joining whenever you were spoken to, but otherwise, just standing a bit outside, probably due to some shyness that you owned.

Which Chet found even more fascinating.

As you moved outside, he followed you, more to check on you, since the Night Stalker's story that Xavier had told to all of you, had made him quite paranoid.

...and because he was hoping to have a few minutes alone with you, although he knew he shouldn't let himself have some kind of interest for you.

He had already fucked up his chance for the Olympics, he wouldn't have another chance and an unconventional relationship might fuck things up, even more for you.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now