Sworn To Protect [Michael Langdon]

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Request: outpost michael gets really soft and the reader comforts him? they just talk and michael kisses them. idk it’s a really shitty idea

Pairing: Michael Langdon x Reader

Word Count: 926

Story written by justauthoring on Tumblr, give them a follow!


Michael was only ever this way with you.

It was a side of him no one saw. Except for you. Not even Ms. Mead, or her robotic reincarnation self saw this version of Michael. It was truly and wholeheartedly reserved for you; and you’d have it no other way.

He’d let the intimidating side of him fade away; the version of him that exuded confidence and dominance. The part of him he showed others to demonstrate that he was above them, in both power, mind and it’s entirety. It was a side he needed to have, to keep those in check and remind them of who was in charge. In all honesty, it was quite hot.

But, when it was just you two, behind close doors, and his shoulders would relax and his eyes would soften and this small, but warm smile would curl onto his lips, it would fill your insides with butterflies. Make your legs feel like jelly. You’d never had a man look at you like that; any passing flings through your teenage years had never, ever looked at you quite in that way.

You’re almost sure you’ve never really seen anyone look at their significant other like that.

It made you feel special. Like you were the only person who mattered to Michael. And in a lot of ways you were. Though he would never say it to anyone else but you, he wasn’t afraid to admit to you that you were in fact his weakness. That you were the one thing that made him feel powerless; and not in a vulnerable way, but in the way that he could never deny a single thing from you. He would, without hesitation, give you anything in the world.

However, most importantly of all, Michael could confide in you. He trusted you with his whole heart and knew anything he told you in secrecy would never once again leave your lips to anyone but him. You would listen to him, without hesitation and without complaint, and then do anything to help him feel better. Whether it was fixing the problem, assuring him or just holding him.

You always seemed to know what to do.

After a long day of interviews and the constant annoyance that was dealing with the Purples of the Outpost Three, it felt nice to know that he had someone he could come home to and just… relax. He didn’t have to put a front up, he didn’t really have to do anything but be himself.

And then some nights, when it hadn’t been particularly stressful for him and boring for you, he would just hold you. Nice and close against his chest, his arms encircling you and pressing you tightly against his chest. You would nestle your head into the crook of his neck like Michael loved you to do, and trace light patterns over the back of his hand.

Tonight was one of those nights.

It had already been an hour and it was quite late. The two of you were just basking each other in silence, not really saying anything but completely comfortable. The two of you didn’t have to share words to enjoy each others company.

Michael had been lost in his thoughts, mulling over the interviews he’d already done and exactly who he wanted to bring with him to the Sanctuary; if he wanted to bring anyone at all. He’d been so focused in his own thoughts he hadn’t noticed the stilling of your hand and the slow but gradual stop of your touches over the back of his hand. Not at first, anyways.

He notices it a few minutes afterwards, his mind instinctively yearning for the touch. It pulls his attention away from his thoughts and Michael blinks, lowering his gaze and lips parting to question you if everything was alright. However, whatever he’d been about to say falls silent on the tip of his tongue as he notices the soft rise and fall of your chest and the way your eyes have fluttered shut, your face peaceful as you dream away.

The sight causes Michael to smile, his chest tightening with love and warmth as he lets his eyes flicker across the entirety of you; taking in the entire sight. You look peaceful, content and… happy.

And that’s all Michael wants for you. To be happy.

Brushing back your hair and tucking it neatly behind your ear, Michael shifts so your head is against a pillow rather then his chest. You moan slightly in response, reaching out for Michael, unconsciously assuming he was leaving you. Michael takes your hand in his own, “it’s okay, love,” he whispers, pressing a kiss against the side of your forehead.

He slips of his shoes, moving to slip off your own, pulling the blanket over you before slipping in next to you. Quickly and without hesitation, he slips his arm around your waist, once against pulling you against his chest. You moan again, this time happily as you nestle in Michael’s warmth and touch, the action once again eliciting a smile to Michael’s lips.

“Good night, my love,” Michael mumbles against the top of your head, pressing a kiss there as his grip instinctively tightens protectively over you.

Yes, you truly were the only one he’d show this side of him too. And Michael wouldn’t have it any other way. You were his whole being, his most important person, and Michael wasn’t afraid to admit that, yes, you were his weakness.

His weakness he swears to protect completely.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now