I've got you ~ [Xavier Plympton]

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Written by sharons-tate on Tumblr, give them a follow!

Summary: When being hunted down by a murderer you and Xavier can't help but share your true feelings.

Pairing: Xavier Plympton X Reader


"Fuck I don't know turn left"

Xavier held your hand and you both darted to the left trying to somehow escape the hell hole that was camp redwood.

"Jesus Xavier I'm so scared"

"I know just hold on I'll get us out of here"

Your feet hurt, You'd been running since god knows when, You'd fallen earlier and now your leg ached and would surely be bruised tomorrow. That is if you lived to see tomorrow.

His grip on your hand tighten as you made yet another turn, You could still hear the jingle, and then there it was. A cabin.

You both hurriedly ran inside shutting and locking the front door. It was the most you could do but a locked door wouldn't keep out a crazed killer.

You were panting and Xavier was sitting on the floor lost in a state of panic. He was trembling and running his hands through his hair.

"What the fuck, What the fuck oh fuck fuck"

You bent down in front of him and placed your hands on his shoulder "Hey, Hey calm down."

He shook his head sobbing and you wrapped your arms around him pulling him into your chest

"Xavier please calm down he'll hear you"

He sobbed into your chest and you ran your hands through his hair his cries were muffled but that didn't help the situation

You pulled his head up and placed your hands on his cheeks.

"Look at me, Look at me. I'm here okay, I'll protect you I'm gonna keep you safe nothing is gonna hurt you, I've got you, I've got you"

He nodded and blinked tears falling down his cheek before kissing you.

"I love you" he whispered

"I love you too"

He held your hand when he pulled away from the kiss and smiled at you.

"If we make it out of here I'd like to take you out sometime"

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now