fighting with Michael [Michael Langdon X reader]

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Written by writing-foxie on Tumblr, definitely give them a follow!

Warnings: smut, fluff, jealousy cursing

Word count: 2299


There weren’t many things that could drive you up the wall and over all, you were pretty calm person. So when one of them did mess with your nerves, it was pretty bad. One of those things just happened to be your lover and coincidentally, he managed to fuck up. Not him per see, it were his actions that caused all your emotions to wreak havoc in your mind. Nonetheless, he was the one to blame.

With that in mind, you huffed as you passed him in the corridor but before you could slip away, he grabbed your arm. You hissed at him to let you go. He ignored you and dragged you all the way to his office.

There he threw you on the chair, careful as always not to hurt you. Your resolve, however, didn’t falter under his nice gesture. You were not giving in; he had to pay for his behaviour. You meant to stand up and leave but he trapped you by propping his hands on the armrests. “What’s going on with you?” He frowned. It wasn’t the first time you ignored him that day, or the previous one for that matter. Since you were still hiding your relationship before the outpost, you didn’t share the bedroom most nights, leaving little space for awkward silences and confrontation.

“Nothing,” you snapped, bouncing your leg like every time you were nervous. He tilted his head, silently demanding answer. Something he wasn’t getting, definitely not like this, not when he was treating you more like them and less like his equal. You tried to stand up despite him still towering over you but he pushed you back gently. At least he didn’t forget who you were in this area, had he just make you sit down like he would do to any other survivors, it wouldn’t pretty. He sighed. “I could read your mind if I wanted to but I won’t,” he said, staring into your eyes to get the answer from you.

You sneered and shook your head. “Look at you, acting like you own the world,” you leaned forward, staring him up and down. “You know darling, just because you’re more than a human doesn’t mean I won’t hold you responsible for the damage you do.” His brows furrowed in confusion. “And I’m not talking about the world. Let it burn again for all I care, but you won’t play with me and get away with it.” This time you managed to rise from the chair even take a few steps before you caught your hand again.

“What are you talking about?” he asked, getting more frustrated with each second. “Let go,” you growled in annoyance more than actual anger. You realized you were acting childish at this point but you were angry and had little care for how you were behaving. You freed yourself from his grip. “I’m saying I’m not your toy like they are,” you said before storming out of the office towards your room, hoping for some alone time to calm down and mope some more.       

You slammed the door with all your strength but the satisfying bang of it shutting close never came as Michael stopped it with his magic. You cursed as the door hit the wall, wide open for him to strut through. You turned on your heel to face him, arms crossed across your chest. He was fuming with anger and irritation but so were you and so much more.

“Do I need to write you a fucking manual to see when I want to be alone or what?” you barked at him, not even flinching when he shut the door with his powers with a bang. You stared into his eyes defiantly. “Love I don’t know what are you upset about! You won’t talk to me, you avoid me and don’t let me touch you,” he ran his hand through his hair. “Just tell me what’s wrong!” He yelled. It was clear that he was frustrated but you’d swear you heard a hint of fear in his voice as well. And damn right he should be scared, he pissed you off.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now