Together forever ~ [Xavier Plympton]

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Written by helaintoloki  on Tumblr, give them a follow!

pairing: Xavier x reader

warnings: language, violence, death, dark!Xavier, 1984 spoilers


Y/N woke with a gasp and a pounding in the back of her head. The sun was up, the night was over, and she was…

“I’m alive,” she whispered to herself, a tired but triumphant laugh leaving her lips. “I fucking lived.”

Despite how badly her body ached and the fact that she could still taste dry blood in her mouth, y/n heaved herself up off the ground and stood on trembling legs. The night of living hell was over, she was the final girl of this crazy live action Friday the 13th, and with the rising sun came the promise of another day, another chance at life. All she needed to do was find Xavier and get the hell out of there.

“Shit, Xavier!” She cried, realization dawning upon her as she remembered they’d been separated last night. Jingles had driven Xavier one way, and the Night Stalker had driven her the other. She’d been able to fight him off luckily, but in the after math she’d tumbled down a hill and hit her head on a rock.

Shaky fingers reached up to touch the wound and she flinched. She could feel the dried dirt and blood stained in her hair, cringing at the sensation. Someone could easily take care of that for her, though. Finding Xavier was more important than anything.

“Xavier?” She called, a limp in her step as she frantically began to search for the boy. “Baby, where are you?!”

“Y/N!” A voice called. Xavier.

“X!” She cried back, running as fast as she could. He emerged from behind the tree line, disheveled but alive.


“Baby!” She yelled, a tearful laugh escaping her mouth as she sprinted towards him and threw herself into his arms. “Xavier, oh my god!”

His arms wound tightly around her waist, nose buried deep into her hair as he held her.

“We made it!” She weeped into his chest. “We made it.”

“Not exactly,” he sighed, and she pulled away.

“What do you mean?” She sniffled, confusion etched all over her face. From behind him emerged Montana, and with her…

“Ray?! B-But I thought he… Brooke told me he-“

“Died? Yeah. We all did,” Xavier sighed bored, impatient for her to catch up.

“W-What?” She whimpered, taking a few steps back in fear. “N-No, that can’t be right…”

“Turns out when you die here, you don’t really die. It’s kind of a bitch, to be honest,” he shrugged. “But what can you do?”

“I… I should go,” she stammered, but before she could go y/n was quickly shoved forward and back into Xavier’s arms by Montana.

“Sorry babe, but you’re not going anywhere,” Xavier mock pouted. “You see, you’re my girl, my lady. I can’t just let a great chick like you walk away from me.”

“Xavier, you’re scaring me,” she whimpered, desperately trying to free herself from his grasp. “Let me go.”

“No can do, sweetheart. You won’t be leaving anytime soon.”

It takes her a moment to register the feeling of the knife plunging into her chest, but a strangled cry leaves her lips as she desperately clings onto Xavier once the pain kicks in. He looks bored as he pushes the knife deeper, a small smirk on his face as she begins to pale.

“I’m real sorry to have to do this to you, but look on the bright side,” he says as he watches her body crumble to the floor. Y/N wheezes and chokes, desperately gasping for air. His body hovers over her, a smile painted on his lips as he watches her struggle to stay awake. “Now we can be together forever.”

And she falls into a cold, temporary darkness.

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now