Pinky Promise ~ Kai Anderson X reader ~

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Written by whitemen-writingtrash on Tumblr, give them a follow!

Word Count: 1082

Warning: Crude language, swearing


(Y/n) sat across from him, her eyes lingered on the darkness of his face. He wasn’t perfect, there were lines and cracks and blemishes. His eyes had deep, red bags beneath them, along with a very prominent vein beneath his right eye. His nose, though petit and buttoned, held a small bumped bridge. They made him real, and she adored them. His thick fingers combed through the matted, blue mess that was his hair and tucked it behind his ears. In the short period of time they’d known each other, she’d noticed that it was a habit of his. “Pinky up,” he rasped, his brows twitched up with anticipation, but the rest of his face remained hard. (Y/N) eyes floated toward the door, the thought of leaving never crossed her mind, but she found herself thinking about Jamie. She’d wondered if she’d been next in line for this off putting ritual. “Pinky up, (Y/N). I won’t ask again.” The scariest thing about Kai was his ability to stay cool, his voice, though laced with nothing but white hot annoyance, never rose an octave while speaking to her.

“Sorry,” she swallowed thickly, taking her trembling hand back and forth against the roughness of her jeans. Kai’s eyes never left her as her elbow fell flat against the table top, and her pinky softly grazed his.

“Good girl,” he smiled. He took a deep breath, threw his head back with a loud groan, rolled his neck and loosened his shoulders, only to fall back into the same, dead position. “Once physical contact has been initiated, you consent to answer all my questions. Agreed?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good girl.” The words fell from his lips and straight between her legs, the raw rasp of his voice did wonders for her. She could listen to him talk for hours, under that dim little light and that wobbly little table. He took another deep breath before wrapping his pinky firmly around hers. “The naked truth. Brutal honesty. Now tell me. What fills your heart with dread?”

“Men,” it came to her quickly, without missing a beat. Though it had been the truth, she could tell that it hadn’t been the answer he’d been looking for. She’d displeased him.

“(Y/N). Brutal honesty,” he was genuinely cool with his tone. No harsh undertone, no hidden aggression, just gut wrenching want.

“I am being honest. I hate men, we both do.”




“Men are careless, and angry and entitled, I- Ow!” His grip on her pinky tightened, she slipped out of his hold and cradled her pulsing finger. “Kai what the fuck?”

“I didn’t like what you said.”

“So you strangled my finger?” She hissed. “God! Y’know what? Fuck this,” she kicked herself out of the small chair and knocked his erect finger down. A sly, smirk spread itself across his smug little face, she wanted to slice it off. “Fuck you Kai.”

“Sit down.”

“Fuck you!”

He shot to his feet, slamming both his hands down on the table. His long slender frame outstretched toward her, his calm demeanor melted away and replaced itself with furrowed brows and narrowed lips. “Sit down!” He exhaled deeply through his nostrils, his breath danced across her face. “You don’t want me to ask again. I promise you.” The silence that fell over them was thick, and angry. In a way they were waiting on eachother, she was waiting on his next move, and he was waiting for her to stop being a bitch. (Y/N) kept their eyes laced together while she slowly reached behind herself, and once the two back legs of the seat touched the carpet she carefully placed herself in it. Kai’s smirk elongated as she looked up at him, the dark cast on his face deepened his dimples. “Pinky up.”

“What happens if you don’t like what I say?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ll go for your neck,” he groaned. He smiled quickly, it was a sorry attempt at being funny, and he knew that as soon as he saw her straight expression. He pulled the chair closer to the table and brought their fingers together. “Same rules apply.”

“Plus no finger choking.”

“No finger choking.”

“Good boy.” He pursed his lips, arousal and annoyance fought each other in his mind. The urge to wrap his fingers around her throat for calling him anything but the name they’d previously disclosed pulsed through him. He wanted to fuck her stupid. He brought himself down with another sharp exhale through his nostrils. Their eyes locked yet again, he tongue ran over his bottom lip, and his brows were woven together. “What was the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced?”

“My mother died when I was 18.”

“Were you close?”

“No. I hated her.”

“Then why? What made it so painful?”

“She was my mom I don’t know.”

“What was the worst thing she’s ever said to you?”

“When I was 16, I told her that I wanted to kill myself and she told me that I didn’t and that I was begging for attention.”

“Did you cut yourself?”

“For a little while yeah.”

“When’d you stop?”

“When I killed my first man.”

He hummed. “Marshall Andrews.”

“He was a rapist. He tried to rape me, Kai.”

“What was the most euphoric you’ve ever felt?”l

“Killing my first man.”

“Are you a virgin?”


“What was his name?”

“It was Jamie.”

“Then you are a virgin. You’ve never been penetrated.”

“You asked if I’ve ever had sex before, not how many times.”

“Have you ever been penetrated?”

“Yes, Kai.”


“Can I ask you a question?”

“If you must.”

“What’s your game here, Kai Anderson? The stalking, the killing, the kidnapping. Why’d you help us kill that guy? Either you’re desperate as fuck for some pussy… or you get off on blackmail.”

“The answer to that is simple (Y/N), it really is,” he leaned over the table once again. (Y/Y) wasn’t sure if she wanted to lean in closer or back away as far as possible, Kai intrigued her. He was so careful, and precise with everything and every movement he ever made. He was dangerously calculated and charismatic, he was unlike any man she’d ever seen. He pressed his nose against hers, his eyes struggled to focus on hers, causing them to cross down at her. The smile on his face never faded, the corners of his mouth only twitched up higher and higher. “Baby, I wanna rule the world.”

~  𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ~Where stories live. Discover now