Chapter 39

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(Yang's POV)

Me, (Y/N), Weiss, and Ruby got the girl that came from one my mom's portals to Atlas Academy. She is recovering in our room, laying down in one of the beds. We all looked at her.

(Y/N): Who is she?

Weiss: I wish I knew the answer.

Ruby: With her aura healing her, we'll get our answers.

Yang: She clearly knows mom. How can we be sure she isn't an enemy?

(Y/N) looked at me.

(Y/N): You really think she can take on the four of us at once?

Yang: Of course not-

(Y/N): Then there is nothing to worry about.

(Y/N) is right. She might not be as dangerous as we thought. I looked over and the girl shot up, screaming. She looked around and quickly calmed down.

???: Where am I?

She looked at us.

Ruby: You're in Atlas Academy right now.

???: Oh...

She started to think about something. (Y/N) walked up to her, surprising her.

(Y/N): Just who are you?

???: Me? I'm... Uh...

She looked around the room, avoiding (Y/N)'s gaze. Weiss walked up to (Y/N) and pulled him back.

Weiss: Ignore him. Can you give us your name?

???: My name...?

(Y/N): Stop avoiding questions or I'm going to throw you back where I found you.

???: Please don't! I'll tell you anything you want! My name is... Ying.

(Y/N): Ying? Are you friends with Raven?

Ying: I...

(Y/N): Talk!

She got up and ran behind me.

Ying: He scares me.

I sighed and looked at (Y/N).

Yang: You can't go scaring ladies like that.

Ying: Y-Yeah! You tell him!

(Y/N): You two can't be serious.

Ruby: We all need to calm down.

We all stayed in silence for a minute. A scroll started to ring. (Y/N) pulled out his and got a scared look on his face.

(Y/N): Uh oh. I need to take this.

He walked off to a corner of the room to answer his scroll. I looked back at Ying.

Yang: There. He should be busy for a bit.

She let out a sigh of relief.

Ying: I guess I should tell you what happened.

Me, Ruby, and Weiss looked at her, waiting for her to say what happened.

Ying: I was helping Aunt Raven fight some people, but she told me to leave.

Yang: Aunt?!

Ruby: Then that means... You and Yang are cousins!

Weiss: This is a weird family get together.

Ying looked at me.

Ying: I know your relationship with Aunt Raven. I'm sorry if you hate me.

Yang: I don't hate you. I'm just surprised, that's all.

(Y/N) walked back over to us.

(Y/N): Cousins. Interesting.

Ruby: Who called you?

Weiss: You looked scared when you got the call.

(Y/N): Well... My mother is here.

Ruby: Mother?!

Weiss: She's here?!

Yang: I remember seeing your mom when I was little, but I don't remember much.

Ying: Is she scary?

(Y/N): I mean, she is-

A knock came from the door. The door got slammed open. A woman with (H/C) hair is standing at the door.

Dye: (Y/N)!

She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around in a hug.

Dye: I missed you so much! I'm so relieved you're ok!

(Y/N)'s face went red.

(Y/N): I missed you too.

His mom looked over at me.

Dye: How's Tai?

She knows my dad?

Yang: He's doing fine.

Dye: That's good to hear.

She looked around the room.

Dye: Who's the lucky lady that's my special little boy's girlfriend?

(Y/N): I'm not little!

Yang: That would be me.

Dye: Really? I never thought he would get such a catch.

(Y/N): What is that supposed to mean?!

She walked up to me.

Dye: If you ever break his heart, you'll regret it. Got it?

(Y/N) wasn't wrong, she is scary. I can tell that she is being one hundred percent serious. I can feel the malice pouring out of her.

Yang: Got it.

She gave me an innocent smile.

Dye: Good to hear.

She looked behind me and saw Ying.

Dye: I came here to get her.

Ying: M-Me?

Dye: Yes. Ironwood wants to talk to you.

Ying: O-Ok.

(Y/N)'s mom and Ying walked out the room. I closed the door behind them.

Weiss: This family get together just got weirder.

Ruby: Why is your mom even here?

(Y/N): When she was at Beacon, she got top scores and went to Atlas because of it.

Yang: How does she know my dad?

(Y/N): From what she told me, Her and Tai were great friends in Beacon.

I smiled at him.

(Y/N): What now?

Yang: Your mommy's special little boy.

(Y/N): I am not!

I walked up to him and leaned in to his ear.

Yang: Soon, you'll be calling me mommy too.~

His face went the most red I've ever seen it. He took a few steps back.

(Y/N): I'm going to bed!

He rushed over to his bed and laid down on it, turning his back towards me.

Ruby: What did you say to him?

Yang: Nothing.

Weiss gave me a skeptical look.

Yang: I think (Y/N) has the right idea. We should get some rest.

(Chapter 39 end)

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now