Chapter 23

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(Yang's POV)

Everyone was sitting at a table. Ren and (Y/N) are in the kitchen and making dinner.

Nora: So you got a new arm?

Yang: Yeah.

I started to show everyone. They were pretty interested in it. Nora sat down in front of me. She put her arm up and offered an arm wrestle.

Nora: Lets see if it's just as strong.

I smirked at her and agreed. I grabbed her hand and we started our match. Everyone was taking sides on who they wanted to win.

Ruby: Come on Yang! You can't lose to her!

Jaune: You got this Nora!

Yang: So, how is it?

Nora: It definitely feels like the original.

Yang: Yeah? Well, it does come with some new features.

Sounds of gears turning could be heard. Nora has a confused look on her face. I shot out my arm and it sent Nora into the wall. She looked at her arm and she was still holding my arm. She started to scream in fear and she threw the arm in my direction. I started to laugh and I caught my arm.

Nora: What was that?!

I put my arm back on and stopped laughing.

Ren: Dinners ready.

We looked over to see Ren and (Y/N) holding the food they made. Everyone started to laugh.

(Y/N): Whats so funny?

(Y/N) was wearing a white headband and a pink apron. Ruby pulled out her scroll and took a picture. He started to blush.

(Y/N): You better delete that!

(Y/N) and Ren put the food on the table. (Y/N) immediately left the room. We all started to get some food and eat. It was really good.

Nora: You did really well Ren! This stuff is delicious!

Ren: You should thank (Y/N). We made this using his recipe.

I never thought (Y/N) could cook. I have to get him to make us food more often. (Y/N) walked back in the room, without his kitchen wear on, and he sat down next to me. He just stayed quiet and started to it his food.

Yang: Thanks for the food (Y/N).

(Y/N): You're welcome. At least you appreciate my efforts.

We continued to eat our food. Everyone finished their food and we all sighed in relief.

Ruby: I never had a meal like that in a long time.

Ren and (Y/N) picked up the dirty dishes and went into the kitchen to clean them.

Qrow: It's getting late. We should be going to bed now. Some of you have to be sleeping on the couches.

Everyone nodded. I walked into the living room and sat down on one of the couches. (Y/N) walked in and sat down next to me.

(Readers POV)

I sat down next to Yang. I have to sleep with Yang, or else she will wake up screaming. I don't know why she sleeps normally if she's with me. I laid down on the couch and Yang laid down on me. She took off her arm and put it on the floor. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. I saw a flash.

Ruby: Cute.

I looked over to see Ruby taking pictures.

(Y/N): If you take another picture, I'm not cooking for you again.

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now