Chapter 2

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(Readers POV)

I woke up to see I was still in my sleeping bag. I looked over to see Yang asleep, still with her arm around me. I gently picked up her arm and putted it on the ground. I got up and looked around.

(Y/N): I guess I should wake her up.

I knelt down and shock her. She woke up and looked around. She looked at me and smiled.

Yang: Good morning.

(Y/N): Morning. Get up, we have to get ready for our initiation test.

Yang: That's very nice of you to wake me up.

(Y/N): I just don't want you to fall behind.

I stood up and walked to where the locker room was. I found my locker. I got out my clothes and changed quickly. After changing, I looked at myself in the mirror.

(Y/N): I'm not looking too bad.

I said to myself. I pulled out my gauntlets and put them on. I extended them into their shield form. I looked and checked them. They seemed to be fine. I turned them back into their gauntlet form.

(Y/N): They are working just fine.

I closed my locker and started to walk away.

(Y/N): Wait. I don't know where to go.

Yang: Maybe I could help with your problem.

I turned around and Yang was giving me a smile.

(Y/N): Like I need your help.

I looked away from Yang.

Yang: I don't know. It sounded like you really need help. If you just paid attention to what was said yesterday, you wouldn't need help.

(Y/N): I will just ask Ruby.

I walked past her and found Ruby looking at her scythe.

(Y/N): Hey Ruby.

Ruby: Hi (Y/N). Did you need something?

(Y/N): Do you know where the initiation is taking place?

Ruby: Yeah. It at the cliffside at the Emerald Forest.

(Y/N): Thanks.

I walked away and passed Yang.

Yang: You still needed help.

I scoffed and walked away from her.

(Time skip)

All the first year students were standing on a cliffside. We are all standing on small platforms.

Ozpin: Today you will be proving what you can do. In the forest, there is a temple at the northern side of the forest. You will be retrieving a relic from this temple. You will have to bring the relic back here.

This test seems easy enough.

Ozpin: Once you land, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So choice someone that you can work well with. Now, any questions?

Jaune: I have one. How are we going to get into the forest?

Ozpin: Like this.

The platforms that were under us suddenly sprung up and launched everyone towards the forest. I turned my gauntlets into their shield form. I was falling at high speeds. I got close to a tree and I raised one of my shields up. I broke through the tree, slowing me down. I grabbed onto a nearby branch. I swung myself around and I jumped to the floor. I landed on my feet.

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now