Chapter 6

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(Readers POV)

Me and Yang are going to our dorm. We got done with our training at the gym. We train ever other day now.

Yang: That was quite the workout today.

(Y/N): Yeah. I would never of thought training with you would actually be a little fun.

Yang: If we are trying to beat each other, then training together would help us both.

We made it to our dorm. It was getting late so when I opened the door, Ruby and Weiss were asleep. I walked up to my bed and jumped on it.

Yang: Good night.

(Y/N): Night.

(Yang's POV)

(Y/N) fell asleep in his bed. I sat down on my bed. I'm glad that me and (Y/N) have been getting along lately. He seemed to be more happy as of late. I laid down on my bed and I thought back to when me and (Y/N) first met.


I was dropped off at Signal Academy by my dad.

Tai: Have a fun day at school today.

Yang: I will. See you later.

I ran into the school and headed for my classroom. I bumped into someone, knocking us both to the ground.

Yang: Ow. I'm sorry.

(Y/N): It's ok. It was an accident.

We got up. He extended his hand at me.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) (L/N).

I grabbed his hand and shook it.

Yang: I'm Yang Xiao Long. Are you new here?

(Y/N): Yeah. I don't really know where I'm going.

Yang: What is your classroom number? I can point you to the right direction.

(Y/N): My classroom number is 112.

Yang: That's my classroom. Let's get going!

Since I was still holding his hand, I started to run and he tried to keep up.

(Time skip)

It's been a month since I met (Y/N). We became really good friends. We got our auras unlocked recently and today was the day that our semblances were supposed to come in.

Yang: I'm so excited! Aren't you?

(Y/N): Yeah I am! I'm so excited to see what my semblance is.

Teacher: Ok class. Today is when your semblances are going to come in.

The whole class got excited. We waited for a bit and everyone looked confused.

Student: Why is nothing happening?

Teacher: You have to try to use them. You have to activate your semblance. Try thinking of an emotion. Emotions can easily trigger a semblance activation.

I started to focus. I thought about what emotions to try and feel. I couldn't do it though. I can't fake emotions. I tried to concentrate more, but people kept on talking and complaining. I started to get mad.

Yang: I'm trying to concentrate!

My hair started to glow and a wave of heat came from my body. All the students looked at me scared, except (Y/N).

Teacher: Congrats Yang. You activated your semblance.

I regained my composure. So anger activated my semblance. I need to find out what my semblance is exactly.

(Y/N): That's was really cool. Your eyes turned red when you did that.

Yang: Wow. That's is cool.

(Y/N): I can't wait to find out mine.

It's been all day and everyone was able to activate their semblance. Everyone but (Y/N). He looked pretty sad. Class ended and he got up. He left the classroom in silence and I got up and followed him.

Yang: Are you ok?

(Y/N): No. I didn't activate my semblance.

Yang: Don't worry about it. It will happen tomorrow for sure.

(Y/N): Ok then.

(Time skip)

It was the next day. Everyone was showing off there semblances off. It must of hurt (Y/N) a bit. He still didn't activate his semblance yet. He was just sitting the corner by himself. I was about to walk up to him, but was interrupted.

Student: Hey Yang. Show us your semblance again. It was really cool yesterday.

Yang: Ok.

I practiced activating my semblance at home, so I could do it pretty easy. I activated it and everyone looked at me excitedly.

Student: Wow Yang. Your semblance is definitely the coolest here.

I looked over at (Y/N) and he looked mad at me.

Teacher: I have to run a few papers to the office. Please be on your best behavior.

The teacher left. All the students were still praising me about my semblance. I turned off my semblance and walked over to (Y/N).

Yang: Are you ok?

Student: You care about him. He doesn't even know how to use his semblance.

All the students started to laugh. (Y/N) wrapped his arms around his legs and started to cry in his knees. I put my hand on his shoulder and he stopped. He got up and looked at everyone with disgust and hate.

(Y/N): I swear. When I get to use my semblance, I'm going to make you all regret that!

Yang: I think you should calm down.

(Y/N): Don't tell me what to do!

He started to shake in anger. He pushed me to the ground. I landed on my butt. I looked up at him with concern, but he just looked more anger.

(Y/N): You think you are so cool because you unlocked your semblance first!

Yang: I don't think that.

(Y/N): Yeah right! Because of you, everyone here thinks I'm weak!

Student: You really need to calm down. Not her fault that you suck.

(Y/N) snapped and punched the kid in the face. The kid fell to the floor and he had a bloody nose. He started to leave the room. I got up and tried to stop him.

Yang: Don't leave.

(Y/N): Why? So you can make fun of me more?

Yang: Of course not.

He pushed me back and he opened the door.

(Y/N): Don't talk to me. I hate you.

His words stung. I felt really bad. I didn't mean to hurt him. I just looked at the door.

(Flashback end)

I always wonder if he meant those words. I looked at the bed above me. His bed.

Yang: I just wish we can be friends again.

I whispered to myself. He is being more friendly to me. Sure it isn't by much, but it's progress. I'm going to make it my mission to bring back the (Y/N) I knew back then. I know he is still in there.

(Chapter 6 end)

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now