Chapter 8

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(Readers POV)

I was riding with Yang. We are in Vale. It was getting dark.

(Y/N): Where are we even going?

Yang: We are going to talk to a friend of mine.

(Y/N): I'm surprised that you have friends.

Yang: I'm going to ignore that comment.

She made a turn and she parked. I looked to my side and saw a bar called Junior's.

(Y/N): You go here?

Yang: Yeah, but I haven't been here in awhile.

We walked in. There was lights going off and loud music was playing. This place sure knows how to party.

Yang: Hey guys!

The music stopped and guns got pointed at Yang.

Yang: So you guys are still mad at me.

(Y/N): So why do they hate you?

Yang: I may or may not of destroyed this place the last time I went here.

Junior: Put your guns down!

I looked ahead and saw a bigger man with short hair and a beard.

Junior: Why are you here?

Yang: I need some information.

They walked over to a counter. Yang sat down and I walked up to her.

Junior: What kinda info do you need?

Yang: It's about Roman Torchwick.

Junior: Listen, I don't know where he is. He borrowed my man and he complained about their worth, which I agree with!

He slammed his hand on the counter.

(Y/N): So you don't know anything?

Junior: Nothing.

(Y/N): So coming here was just a waste of time.

Me and Yang walked out the bar.

(Y/N): This was pretty pointless.

Yang: Well at least we know now.

(Y/N): Where are the others?

Yang: Weiss went out to find the details of the robberies. Sun got involved and went with Ruby.

(Y/N): Who's Sun?

Yang: He is the monkey Faunus from the docks.

(Y/N): Ok, so where did Sun and Ruby go?

Yang's scroll started to go off. She answered it.

Yang: Hey Ruby.

I started to here shouting through the scroll.

Sun: Help us! There is this giant mech chasing us!

Yang: Where are you guys?

I heard loud footsteps. I looked over to see Ruby and Sun jumping away from a big paladin.

(Y/N): Let's get going.

Yang nodded at me and hanged up the scroll. We jumped on her motorcycle and we went to chase the mech. We went on the main highway. Yang was driving ahead of many cars, weaving through different lanes to get ahead.

(Y/N): You almost hit that car.

Yang: I don't want Ruby to get hurt, so the ride will be a bit bumpy.

We are getting close to the mech. I jumped off Yang's bike and got on top of the paladin. I got out my shields and started to slash at the mech. I wasn't doing too much damage. Yang drove past one of the legs and punched it. The punch sent the mech off balance and I fell off the road. I jumped off and landed on the ground safely. Yang jumped down and landed next to me.

(Y/N): You could have warned me that you were going to knock the mech down.

Yang: You are fine.

The mech got up and ran at us. It tried to punch me, but I held up my shields. The fist hit my shields and I was able to keep my footing. Yang jumped up and punched the paladin where the drivers seat was. The mech stumbles back from the force of her punch. Yang landed on one of my shields. I launched her at the mech. She punched it again, shattering the mech altogether. A man flew out of the mech and landed on the ground. He got up and patted himself down.

Roman: I just got this thing clean. Well, I do have to say goodbye to you two.

A girl with brown and pink hair jumped down in front of him. She held an umbrella and smiled at us. Me and Yang rushes towards them. We punched them but they shattered like glass.

(Y/N): An illusion?

We looked around and saw a helicopter flying away.

(Y/N): Who were those guys?

Yang: The man was Roman Torchwick. I don't know who the girl is.

We started to walk to were Yang left her bike.

Yang: I wasn't expecting to break that mech in a few hits.

(Y/N): That's what happens when you train.

We made it to the bike and got on. She sped off and I almost fell off.

(Y/N): How did you get your license?

Yang: Who said I got my license?

(Y/N): What?!

Yang increased her speed and we made it back on the highway by ramping off some random pieces of trash.

(Time skip)

Me and Yang made it back to Beacon. I got off and started to catch my breath.

(Y/N): I am never riding with you again.

Yang: We made it back safely.

(Y/N): I would hardly call it safe.

I started to walk to the dorm.

Yang: Where are you going?

(Y/N): It's late. If we get caught out our dorm at this time, we will be in serious trouble.

Yang: Ok, whatever you say.

We walked back to our dorm together. It was a quiet walk there. We made it back and went inside. Ruby and Weiss were already asleep on there beds. Yang crashed down on her bed. I took off my gauntlets and put them on a nearby desk.

(Y/N): Yang, have you seen my...

I looked over and she was already asleep. I sighed and walked over to her. She was asleep on the covers. I put the covers over Yang. She snuggled up into the covers and smiled. I got on my bed and laid down. I looked over to see Ruby awake and smiling at me.

(Y/N): What are you doing?

Ruby: You care about Yang.

(Y/N): Yeah right.

I scoffed and I looked away to avoid Ruby's eyes. She chuckled and held up her scroll.

Ruby: Sure you don't.

I looked at her scroll and she took a picture of me putting the covers on Yang. I quickly rolled on my other side and started to blush.

Ruby: You're blushing, aren't you?

I pretended to be asleep. Ruby eventually stopped and went to back to sleep.

(Y/N): I never been so embarrassed in my life.

(Chapter 8 end)

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now