Chapter 49

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(Ying's POV)

How did this situation get worse? I looked at (Y/N). He smiled at me. Black mist started to come from his body. He started to scream in pain.

Dye: (Y/N)! What's wrong?!

Raven: He's getting tortured by Salem.

(Y/N) jumped up into the air, completely ignoring Weiss's black glyph. He definitely got stronger.

Raven: I'm finishing this!

Dye: Not on my watch!

Grandma Raven jumped up after (Y/N) and tried to slash at him. Grandma Dye jumped up and pushed Raven away. They went into an alleyway. I looked at Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

Ying: You four handle (Y/N). I'll go check on those two.

Ruby: Don't worry Ying! We got this!

I nodded and went after Raven and Dye. I entered the alleyway and found them sitting on the ground.

Raven: You really like to get in my way!

Dye: I refuse to let someone kill my son!

Raven: You don't know I was going to kill him.

Dye: You're you! You're always thinking about who to kill next!

Ying: Can you two stop?!

They went quiet and looked at me.

Ying: You two have children, yet you insist on acting like babies! Why can't you two just work together?!

Dye: I won't work with Raven!

Ying: Why?!

Dye: Because she took the love of my life!

The three of us went quiet after that.

Ying: What?

Raven: It's such a stupid reason to hate me.

Dye: You shut your mouth!

Ying: What do you mean by "love of your life"?

Grandma Dye looked over at a wall.

Dye: It's your grandpa. Taiyang Xiao Long. Ever since I first met him at Beacon, I loved him. Even when my team abandoned me, he didn't. Tai stayed by my side. He's perfect, to me at least.

Dye turned her head and gave Raven a cold glare.

Dye: I still have no idea what he saw in you.

Raven: Maybe Tai isn't into psychos.

Dye: I don't think that's the reason. He picked you, remember?

Ying: Listen!

They stopped and looked at me.

Ying: I'm sorry to hear that, but that's no reason to hold a grudge against someone. You two have Maiden powers, you can do something about Salem. If you two can't get a grip and help, my dad is going to become a slave and countless of innocent people will die. The messed up future will come quicker than ever.

Grandma Dye and Raven looked at each other. They both activated their Maiden powers.

Dye: This will be the only time I'll work with you.

Raven: If the situation was any different, I would've killed myself.

They stood up and rushed out the alleyway. I started to fist bump the air in celebration.

Ying: I got them to work together! I'm the best!

I ran out of the alleyway. I saw Blake throw her weapon and her ribbon wrapped around (Y/N)'s leg. Yang grabbed the ribbon and pulled on it, causing (Y/N) to fall over and hit the ground.

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now