Chapter 17

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(Yang's POV)

I was in the dorm room. I was thinking back to when (Y/N) hugged me. I started to blush just remembering it. I heard sirens going off. Those only go off when there is a Grimm attack. I quickly got up and went outside of Beacon.

Yang: What the?!

There was Grimm everywhere. I put on my gauntlets and got ready to fight.

(Readers POV)

I looked at the arena and saw a Nevermore pinned down by those rocket lockers. All the students were talking to Port and Oobleck. The students started to run out the arena and the teachers dealt with the Grimm in the colosseum. I ran out to meet with al the other students.

Ruby: Hey (Y/N). Good to see you are ok. Why are you holding Emerald?

(Y/N): She and her friends are the cause for this!

Ironwood: Really?

I looked over to see Ironwood walking over to us.

(Y/N): Yeah. She admitted it to me before I knocked her out.

Ironwood: Good job. I will take her.

I handed her to him.

(Y/N): Ok Ruby, what do we do now?

Ruby: Easy, we fight.

I nodded and we all entered an airbus. It took off and we made our way to the ground. I looked over to see Ironwood on his scroll.

Ironwood: What?! Atlas soldiers are attacking innocent people?!

Atlas soldiers are attacking people! What the hell does Cinder want from doing this? Ruby looked deep in thought and she saw something outside. She immediately opened the door and used her semblance to take off.

(Y/N): Ruby!

I tried to grab her, but she was already gone.

(Y/N): What is she doing?

I closed the door and sat down on a nearby seat. After a bit of waiting, we landed and I rushed over at a group of Grimm.

(Y/N): Take this!

I punched a Grimm and sent it into other Grimm. I put up my shields and started to slash at some Grimm. One of them jumped at me. I blocked it's attack and chopped it's head off.

(Y/N): How are there so many Grimm here?

I saw some bullheads from a distance. Grimm jumped out the bullheads, along with White Fang members.

(Y/N): There's the answer to my question.

I saw that Blake girl again. I rushed over to her and sneak attacked her. I punched her and sent her into a burning building nearby. I rushed inside and got ready to fight.

(Y/N): We meet again, kitty cat.

Blake: A sneak attack? You are a coward.

(Y/N): Come on then. I'll prove I'm not a coward.

Blake go out her weapon and rushed over to me. I remembered that her semblance allows her to dodge attacks. I attacked her and she disappeared.

(Y/N): That trick isn't going to work again.

I turned around and blocked her kick. She was surprised. I grabbed her by her ankle and threw her into a wall. I was about to run over to her, but I was attacked. I was sent a couple yards away. I looked to see a man with red and black hair. He wears the same Grimm mask that Blake wears. He has a red blades sword.

Adam: Are you ok Blake?

Blake: I'm fine Adam. Just caught off guard.

I got up.

(Y/N): You call me a coward. Bringing help isn't that fair.

Adam: All is fair in love and war.

(Y/N): I don't see any love anywhere.

Adam rushed over to me. I put up my shields and blocked his sword strikes. Blake went behind me and did a sweeping kick. I was sent off balance and Adam stroke me with his sword. I was sent into a wall. Before I could get out, the two ran at me and they punched my gut.

Adam: I was expecting more from you.

I lost my breath. Adam grabbed my arm and slammed me into the floor. I felt my aura broke. I was on my back and I was trying to get back up.

Blake: Where do you think you're going?

Blake put me in a head lock and face me towards Adam.

Blake: Go ahead, love.

Adam: Thank you for giving me this kill.

He stabbed me in the stomach. I spat out blood and started to scream in pain. He pulled out his sword and I screamed more. I started to kick, trying to get him away from me. Adam blocked my attacks with his sword and his sword started to glow red.

Adam: Don't struggle. It will make it easier for all of us.

I heard shouting from the distance.

Yang: (Y/N)?! Where are you?!

Adam: Is she your friend?

(Y/N): You leave her alone.

All he did was smile at me. He kicked my stomach, causing me to scream more. Yang heard my screaming and looked over.

Yang: (Y/N)!

She activated her semblance and rushed over at us. Adam turned to her and slashed his sword.

(Y/N): NOOO!

I saw Yang's right arm got cut off. Yang went unconscious and fell to the floor. Adam walked over to her and was about to stab her. I have to do something fast.

(Y/N): Is that fish over their?

Blake: Where?!

She let go of me and started run in a direction.

Adam: Blake! Get over here!

He ran after her. I picked up Yang's body and started to run. It hurts to move, but I continued. I made it to a bullhead where all the students were evacuating.

Weiss: (Y/N)! Yang!

I collapsed and dropped Yang. Ruby walked over and saw Yang. She gasped and was about to cry.

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Blood was coming from my mouth and stomach. I got on my knees and put my head on Yang's chest. Her heart was still beating. At least she is still alive.

Weiss: We need to get these two help!

I started to scream in frustration.


I started to pass out. The last thing I saw was people walking over to us. They put me and Yang on some medical beds and put us on the bullhead. I finally lost conciseness.

(Chapter 17 end)

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now