Chapter 47

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(Readers POV)

I put a pack of ice on my head and Ying's head. I looked over and saw a very angry Yang.

Ying: Do you have to hit so hard?

Yang: That's what you two get!

(Y/N): You really can't take a joke, can you?

Yang raised her fist in the air.

Yang: I'll give you another bump on your head!

I sighed.

(Y/N): I'll stop for real this time.

I looked over at Ruby and she's laughing at her scroll.

Ying: Why is she laughing?

(Y/N): She recorded Yang hitting us!

Ruby: Hey! I took pictures too!

I'll never understand why Ruby does this. I looked over at Ying and she's rubbing her head.

Ying: It still hurts.

Weiss: Why didn't you two just activate (Y/N)'s semblance?

(Y/N): I have to get hit first for my semblance to work. You of all people should know that.

Yang: Alright. I'm calmed down now.

Yang walked up and hugged me and Ying.

Yang: Don't worry, I still love you both.

(Y/N): Whatever.

Ying: I wasn't really worried about that.

Yang: Are you two going to hug me back or not?

Me and Ying wrapped our arms around Yang. Yang smiled at us and hugged us tighter.

Ruby: I hate to cut this short, but we have a mission we need to go on!

I broke the hug and looked at Ruby.

(Y/N): Whats the mission?

Ruby: Grimm are invading Mantle! Come on everyone! Let's show how team RWBY, plus Ying, take care of Grimm!

(Time Skip)

Me, Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Ying are running down a street in Mantle. I saw a Beowolf about to attack people. I rushed over and kicked the Grimm away.

(Y/N): Are you alright?

They all nodded their heads yes. I looked over and Ying kicked away a Beowolf too.

(Y/N): She not half bad. Probably because I trained her.

I turned my gauntlets into shields. I ran forward, about to attack some more Grimm. My head got forced down by a foot, meaning someone jumping off of my head. I looked ahead and saw Blake in the air.

(Y/N): Watch where you're jumping!

Blake: Watch where you are.

She slashed a Grimm in half. I got mad. I ran faster and pushed Blake out the way.

(Y/N): Don't take my kills!

Blake: I'll do what I want.

Yang: (Y/N)! Catch!

I looked over and saw Yang flying towards me. I caught her.

Yang: Thanks.

I looked over and saw a group of Grimm.

(Y/N): I'm ready to bowl a strike.

Yang: What do you-

I started to spin in place. After getting some speed, I threw Yang at the Grimm. She punched at the group, killing them.

(Y/N): I'm so good.

Yang: It was all me.

(Y/N): Sure, whatever you say. Jealous.

Yang went quiet and looked at me. Her eyes went red. I turned around and quickly started to run.

Ying: I can use some help over here!

I ran over and jumped in front of Ying. I blocked all the attacks of the Beowolfs around her. She opened a portal below us and we fell through. I looked around and we are next to Ruby.

Ruby: Is everything going ok?

Ying: Yeah. Just got a little overwhelmed.

Weiss: You should be fine. We just got rid of the Grimm in this area.

I looked over at where me and Ying used to be and see Blake and Yang have finished the Grimm. I got a notification on my scroll. It says that the nearest area of Grimm are south from here.

(Y/N): Let's get going.

Everyone agreed with me and we started to go to the south part of Mantle. I looked around and got a bad feeling for some reason. I felt something pinch the back of my neck. I slapped the back of my neck and looked at my hand.

(Y/N): A Grimm mosquito?

It twitched before quickly vanishing. Weird. It looks like no other Grimm mosquitoes are nearby.

(Y/N): Annoying bug.

Salem: I wouldn't say annoying.

Who said that? I looked around and didn't see anyone else. Where is this person?

Salem: I'm talking to you directly in your head, (Y/N). I'm Salem.

Salem?! Why and how are you talking to me?

Salem: That bug that bit you injected a little special something that went inside your head. That's how I'm talking to you now.

I need you out of my head now!

Salem: But I have some special plans for you.

I felt a shooting pain in my head. I held my head and grunted in pain.

(Ying's POV)

I heard (Y/N) grunt in pain. I looked over and he's holding his head.

Ying: Are you ok?

Black mist started to come from his body. (Y/N) started to scream in pain and he fell onto one knee. Yang quickly ran over to him.

Yang: (Y/N)! Are you alright?!

(Y/N): It hurts! Get out of my head!

Ruby: What are you talking about?

Weiss: I think he's going crazy.

(Y/N) pushed Yang away.

Yang: Whats happening to you?

(Y/N)'s screaming stopped. He slowly stood up and smiled. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand.

Ying: Are you feeling ok?

(Y/N): Yeah... I never felt better.

He punched me in face, sending me to the ground. I held my cheek.

Ruby: What was that for?!

Weiss: He really has gone crazy.

(Y/N) rushed over behind Ruby and Weiss. He grabbed the back of their heads and slammed them into the ground. How did he get so fast? He grabbed Blake by the neck and threw her into a building.

Yang: That's it!

Yang rushed over at (Y/N). They both clashed heads together. They grabbed each other's hands and tried to push each other.

Yang: What has gotten into you?!

(Y/N): Nothing. I'm just fine. It's about time to finish you all!

(Chapter 47 end)

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now