Chapter 46

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(Readers POV)

Me and Blake are fighting in the training grounds. I tried to punch her, but she just used her semblance to dodge.

(Y/N): Stand still!

Blake: It's not my fault you can't land a hit.

Blake ran at me and slashed at me with her blade. I blocked it with my shield. I felt someone wrap their arm around my neck, causing me and Blake to stop our match. I grabbed the arm and tried to get it off.

(Y/N): Hey! Who's doing that?!

Yang: Did you miss me?

I looked back and saw Yang. She gave me an innocent looking smile.

(Y/N): Yang! You interrupted me and Blake's match!

Yang: Why can't I join in?

(Y/N): Let go of me!

Yang: Fine.

She removed her arm from my neck. I turned around to face Yang.

(Y/N): If you want to train, then you can train with Blake.

Yang: I was coming to get you. I found a good and quiet spot to do some meditation.

Yang looked over at Blake.

Yang: Sorry to cut this short for you.

It doesn't sound like Yang is sorry. Blake put her hand on her hip and sighed.

Blake: I guess me and (Y/N) are done here. I'll go look around.

Blake walked away and left the training grounds.

(Y/N): I was just getting warmed up.

Yang: Come on. Let's go.

Yang grabbed my hand and started to drag me.

(Y/N): Geez Yang. I never seen you so eager for meditation. I thought it was your least favorite.

She just stayed silent and walked a little faster. I haven't seen Yang act like this before.

(Y/N): Wait a minute.

I smiled to myself and started to laugh.

Yang: What's so funny?

(Y/N): You're jealous!

Yang stopped in her tracks and quickly turned around to face me.

Yang: I am not!

(Y/N): You so are!

Yang looked away from me.

Yang: What am I even jealous about?

(Y/N): You're jealous that I'm spending time with Blake. Am I right?

Yang punched my arm. I laughed some more.

(Y/N): I never thought of you as the jealous type.

Yang: I already told you that I'm not jealous!

Her eyes turned red. Yang raised her fist in the air, getting ready to punch me again. I wrapped my arms around Yang in a hug, causing her to calm down.

(Y/N): I'm only messing with you.

Yang: It wasn't funny.

Yang returned the hug.

(Y/N): That's weird to hear from you. I thought you liked jokes.

I gave Yang a kiss. I broke the hug and walked past Yang.

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now