Chapter 25

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(Readers POV)

The spear that was in me disappeared. Jaune and Ren ran up to me.

Jaune: Are you ok?!

(Y/N): I'm fine. My aura is low, but it is healing my injury.

I looked over to see Yang fighting Cinder.

(Y/N): You two take on Emerald and Mercury.

They nodded at me. I quickly rushed over to Yang and Cinder. Cinder threw a fireball at Yang. I got in front of her and blocked the fireball.

Yang: (Y/N)?!

(Y/N): Yeah, it's me.

Yang deactivated her semblance. It looked like she started to think straight again.

Cinder: I don't have time for this. Hazel! Take care of the children. Raven. Let's go get the Relic and bring Vernal with you.

Cinder, Raven, and Vernal went to the golden statue in the room. The statue went down into the ground and they jumped down. I guess the Relic is below Haven Academy.

Yang: Are you ok?

(Y/N): You don't have to worry so much, but yes.

The big guy walked up to us.

(Y/N): You must be Hazel.

Hazel: I do feel sorry for you. You will die here.

Yang: Like I would let that happen.

Hazel grabbed two dust crystals from his pockets. He stabbed them in his arms. His arms started to glow and spark with electricity.

(Y/N): The hell?

Oscar: His semblance doesn't make him feel pain. Be careful.

I looked back at Yang.

(Y/N): Are you ready?

Yang: Yeah.

We rushed over at Hazel. We activated our semblances. Hazel tried to hit us, but we dodged. I punched Hazel. He wasn't fazed. I quickly jumped back as he tried to punch me. Yang punched the back of his head. I jumped forward and grabbed Yang out of Hazel's range.

(Y/N): We should keep our distance. Fighting close is too dangerous.

Yang: Then whats the plan?

(Y/N): You shoot him while I distract him.

Yang: Got it.

I rushed over to Hazel. If he can't feel pain, then he shouldn't notice Yang's shots. Yang fired bullet after bullet. Hazel tried to hit me and all I did was back away and dodge.

(Y/N): Come on meat for brains. Can't you hit me?

I put up my shields and he punched them. I was sent back a few feet away. I noticed that Hazel wasn't running at me. Instead, he was running over to Ruby and Weiss. I quickly got in front of them. I didn't have time to put my guard up and I took a direct punch from Hazel.

Ruby and Weiss: (Y/N)!

I felt my aura shatter. I fell to the floor. Hazel walked up to me and was about to stomp his foot on me. Well crap. At least I helped my teammates. I closed my eyes and waited for his attack. It never came. I opened my eyes to see he was knocked back from a giant knight in white armor and was letting out mist.

Weiss: You aren't going to hurt him anymore.

Did Weiss summon that thing? She pointed at Hazel and the knight went forward and started to attack him. Yang ran at me. Her and Ruby helped me up.

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now