Chapter 3

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(Readers POV)

(Y/N): Follow me!

I started running in one direction. The Nevermore started to follow me. Everyone else started to follow me too. I ran and I came to in opening. There was a huge temple in ruins.

(Y/N): This place is huge.

I looked behind me to see everyone else and the scorpion Grimm following. I jumped down and landed on one of the broken pillars. Yang, Ruby, and Weiss jumped as well and landed on the ground.

Ruby: We four can get the one in the sky. The other four can handle the other one.

The Nevermore landed on top of the temple.

Ruby: Cmon!

The three ran towards it. I jumped down and ran passed them. The Nevermore screeched and shot out it feathers. I turned my gauntlets into shields and blocked them.

(Y/N): I assume you have a plan Ruby.

Ruby: I have one.

Ruby and Yang ran ahead. I couldn't move my legs. I looked down to see a black glyph.

Weiss: Be ready.

I looked ahead to see Ruby and Yang jump up into the air. Yang grabbed Ruby's arm and started to spin. She threw Ruby at me. I quickly raised my shield up. Ruby landed on my shield, Weiss's glyph keeping me from sliding back. I launched Ruby forward. She grabbed the Nevermore by the neck with her scythe. She landed on a nearby cliffside. Weiss summoned a row of white glyphs, helping Ruby run up the wall. Ruby dragged the Nevermore up the cliffside.

(Y/N): No way.

Ruby reached the top of the cliff and cut the head of the Nevermore off.

Yang: Good job Ruby!

Weiss: I guess she is more then a kid.

Weiss tatted to walk off.

(Y/N): Hey! Get rid of this stupid glyph under my feet!

The glyph went from black to white, sending me forward. I landed on my face. I heard footsteps coming my way.

Yang: Do you need help up?

I looked up and Yang was offering her hand to me. I was about to take it, but Yang took a step back.

Yang: You can get up by yourself.

She stuck her tongue out at me. I sighed and got up.

(Y/N): Some teammate you are.

Yang: Now you want to be teammates?

(Y/N): I'm forced to be your teammate. We should be going now before more Grimm show up.

Yang: What about the other four students that were with us?

(Y/N): What about them?

I started to walk away.

Yang: You really are a jerk.

(Time skip)

I was in the room were everyone was being assigned to teams. I was on stage with Ruby, Weiss, and Yang.

Ozpin: (Y/N) (L/N), Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. You four retrieved the white knight piece. From now on, you four will be known as team RWBY. The leader will be Ruby Rose.

I sighed and looked away. I am just wishing for this to be over. Weiss seemed to be offended about Ruby being team leader. We walked off the stage and we walked to our dorm room. I felt someone tap my shoulder.

Weiss: Just saying, but I don't trust you.

(Y/N): Why not?

I looked back at Weiss.

Weiss: Having a boy in a dorm full of girls. You think I could trust you?

I blushed a little. I looked forward.

(Y/N): How do I know you won't try something?

Weiss: I am not that kind of person.

Yang walked up to me and put her arm on my shoulder.

Yang: You don't have to be embarrassed if she's right.

(Y/N): I'm not a perv!

We made it to the dorm and walked in. It was kinda big. There were four beds at the end of the room. There was a door to the side. I opened it and it was a small bathroom.

Ruby: This place is kinda small.

(Y/N): I'm going out.

Ruby: Where are you going?

(Y/N): Somewhere.

I walked out and closed the door.

(Yang's POV)

I looked at the door.

Yang: I think what you said got to him.

I said to Weiss.

Weiss: Whatever. It's not my fault he can't take a joke.

Ruby: It didn't sound like you were joking.

Yang: I'm going to find him.

Weiss: Don't you two hate each other?

Yang: We are teammates now.

I walked out and started my search.

Yang: Now, if I was (Y/N) where would I be?

I thought about it the question.

Yang: I know. He's probably training. I need to see if this place has a gym.

I walked around Beacon looking for a gym area. After a bit of searching, I did find a gym. I looked in and I saw (Y/N). He was punching a punching bag. He was shirtless and sweat dripping down his body. I started to blush. He did have a good build on him.

(Y/N): I'm going to beat her.

I was snapped out of my thoughts. He started to punch the bag harder.

(Y/N): Yang somehow keeps up with me, no matter what I do. I train constantly.

He punched the bag off its chain and started to breath heavily. He looked at his hand and clenched it.

(Y/N): I will beat her in a fight.

He picked up some weights and started to lift them.

Yang: Why are you so determined to beat me?

I never thought about it. At first, it was a friendly rivalry. But one day, his attitude changed and now he hates my guts. I wonder if something happened to him. I'm worried for him. I walked away, knowing that he will comeback to the dorm.

Yang: I will find out why you want to beat me so bad (Y/N). I promise.

(Chapter 3 end)

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now