Chapter 1

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(Readers POV)

I was on a bullhead. I got accepted into Beacon Academy. I was pretty excited. I was just sitting in a seat and waited until I landed at Beacon.

(Y/N): Why does it have to take this long?

I was getting bored and I got up to get a drink. I closed my eyes for a second and someone bumped into me, knocking me down. I opened my eyes and I saw her. Yang Xiao Long.

Yang: Watch where you are- Hi (Y/N).

(Y/N): You're telling me to watch where I'm going?

Yang: Don't be like that. It was an accident.

I got up and Yang raised her hand. I didn't help her up, she can get up by herself. She got up and playfully punched my shoulder.

Yang: How has me opposite been?

(Y/N): Great until I fell to the floor. Why were you running anyways?

Yang: I got puke on my shoe. Oh hey, it's gone.

I looked down to see that I stepped in it. I was grossed out. I'm going to need to get new shoes now.

Ruby: Yang you shouldn't run away like that. Hi (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey Ruby.

I walked away and sat back down on my seat. Yang sat down next to me. She tried to start a conversation, but I ignored her.

Yang: Hey! I'm trying to talk to you. I see, you are still upset about me running into you. I'm sorry about that.

(Y/N): I accept your apology.

I looked out the window and saw Beacon Academy.

Yang: You can talk!

The bullhead landed and I got up. I walked out and I saw a blonde guy run past me and went to a nearby garbage can. I guess that's were the puke came from.

(Y/N): This place looks better in person.

Yang: I know, right?

(Y/N): Do you have to follow me around?

Ruby: Look at all these weapons!

Ruby started to walk off and I grabbed her by her cape.

(Y/N): I don't think you should be wandering off.

Yang: Yeah and besides, can't you just freak out about your weapon?

Ruby: I like Crescent Rose, but I love seeing new weapons.

Yang: Well, I got to make friends here and (Y/N) is going to help me!

(Y/N): Wait, what?

She grabbed my arm and started to run, dragging me with her.

(Y/N): Let me go!

Yang: We both have to make friends! I'm making sure that you don't become lonely!

(Y/N): I am not lonely! I have friends!

Yang stopped. She looked at me and smiled.

Yang: Are you saying you that I'm your friend?

I started to blush. I quickly looked away so Yang doesn't see.

(Y/N): N-No.

Yang: I knew it! We are friends!

(Y/N): We are rivals.

I was able to get my arm out of Yang's grasp. I walked away and went to where all the other students were going. I walked inside Beacon and stood there. Everyone was waiting inside this room.

Yang: You shouldn't leave a lady behind.

Yang walked up behind me and she wrapped her arm around my neck.

Yang: You really have a way with women. If you want, I can give you a few tips.

(Y/N): I don't need your help.

Yang: Everyone needs help every once in awhile. You don't need to be ashamed to ask for help.

I looked to the side.

(Y/N): I don't need help with women.

I mumbled. Yang just chuckled and took her arm off me. At least she stopped. I was just thinking to myself. I guess I zoned out, because I felt someone hit my arm. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to see Yang was the one who hit my arm.

Yang: Did you get any of that?

(Y/N): Any of what?

She sighed.

Yang: Professor Ozpin gave a speech and we were told to stay at the ball room for the night.

(Y/N): Thanks for the information.

Yang: You are already improving with how to talk to women.

I sighed and walked away to the ball room.

(Time skip)

It was night time. I was in a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. I was on a sleeping bag. Who ever works here sure knows what's comfortable. I was checking on my weapon. They were gauntlets that could extend into shields. I heard commotion in the room. I looked up to see Ruby arguing with a white haired girl.

(Y/N): They really have to be loud at a time like this.

I got up and walked up to them.

(Y/N): People are trying to sleep. I would appreciate it if you two stopped.

Ruby: Sorry (Y/N). Good night Weiss.

Weiss: Whatever.

The two walked away and went to their sleeping bags. I sighed and went back to mine.

Yang: Looks like you don't need help with women after all.

I looked to see Yang put her sleeping bag next to mine.

(Y/N): Do you have to sleep right there?

Yang: There are no open spots. You aren't going to let me sleep on the cold hard floor, are you?

She was giving me puppy eyes. I looked away.

(Y/N): Fine, you can sleep here.

Yang: What a gentleman.

She laid down and started to sleep. I sighed and laid down in my sleeping bag. I looked over at Yang. I started to blush by how close she was. She rolled over and put her arm around me. I started to blush more. I couldn't move because I wanted her to stay asleep. If she wakes up, she will never stop teasing me about this. I just sighed and closed my eyes.

(Y/N): I hope tomorrow will be better.

(Chapter 1 end)

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now